Poopy butt


In the Brooder
Apr 17, 2016
I recently noticed that my buff Orpington hen has a lot of poop stuck to its butt feathers. It has been there for about a week and I'm wondering if I should clean it? And how I should clean it?

Take a good close look.....not fun, I know...but(t) a necessary part of chickeneering.
Clipping it off might be easiest, much less stinky than bathing, and help prevent it from happening again..
I had a BR with chronic poopy butt. My solution was to take her inside and give her a bath every few weeks. I'd wear gloves and just gently work out whatever was stuck on there. Usually took about 10 minutes to get her good and clean, then I'd blow dry her. After a time or two she settled right down and actually enjoyed it.

You may also want to give some probiotics (like yogurt) - that seemed to help with mine. Also eliminate anything that can cause runny poop for the time being (watermelon goes right through mine...grapes too).
I had a young Bresse cockerel develop a poopy butt and I chose the soaking method...which, as you can imagine, he hated (and I hated, too). I only had to do it once, and once clean, his problem resolved.

I'm with @Cacique500 on the probiotics - my flock gets fermented feed.

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