Poor hatch rate for coturnix quail

I love labcoat projects...

dont forget the control group of un-xrayed eggs

and if they will allow it, shucks, wrap a dozen in aluminum foil before xraying (if it dont break the machine) Im interested about that, I know its lead or kryptonite or something like that, that is supposed to diffuse/block xrays, not sure aluminum helps,
I sometimes wrap them in aluminum foil cause it looks like a giant shiny silver bar when someone opens it
I had ordered 6dozen eggs from someone back in October out here and only 2 hatched out of the 6dozen.. Got some more eggs from the person to replace all of the ones that didn't hatch and had 55 out of 60 hatch. The person didn't store them properly when collecting them and kept them in the house where it was really warm so when I had opened up the eggs, i found only 2 others that had fully developed, 3 that had quit part way and the rest had nothing in them at all. Maybe storage before incubating was an issue..?
I've always wondered about the x-ray thing too.. I'd love to see the results!
Maybe one of these days when i have a decent amount of birds I'll do an experiment on it.I only have a couple laying birds at the moment and I'm living in the dorm still so my hatching opportunities are limited. but once I'm done school and graduated it would be neat to do - remind me in six months LOL

I don't see why aluminum foil would be an issue. We xray dogs with their chain collars and tags on all the time. I just have to find out what MAS and KVP the airlines use to mimic the same exposure. Foil should definetly block some radiation at least - I know aluminum paper clips are radio-opague because we use them to check our collimation on the machines.

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