Poor Rosy Hen died!?!?! Not sure why???


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 7, 2011
S. Lake Tahoe
Hey. So Rosy was only 5-6 months old. She had just started to lay around 2 weeks ago. She laid one, then another two days later. Then none for about a week. She laid again around 6-7 days after the second . Then none again for another 48 hours. The next time there were two eggs. So I figured the other girl, Henna (same age) started to lay. Then yesterday there was only one egg. But then is afternoon, we went out to the coop and Rosy was laying on the floor, legs spread out and her mouth wide open, DEAD! After she was removed we discovered two eggs? One was clean but the other looked like it had blood on it?

Anyone have any idea what might have happened? She was eating and drinking just fine. She did have a few runny poos a few days ago. She also kept sitting down on her butt yesterday.
I'm new to the chicken thing so I'm not sure what's normal behavior and what's not. I just assumed that this was a new strange chicken behavior, since she recently started to lay.

All the other hen's are fine, as far as I can tell. They did seem a little sad, but maybe thats in my head. But they are all eating and drinking and chickening around as usual.

Any info or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
So sorry
Usualy if they have their mouth open it's probably the heat, and the egg was probably a little to big for her, and she stressed while pushing it out. Laying an egg usualy takes 20 mins. if the have a hard time getting it out, it could take longer and they could die from heat stroke inside the nest box, your hen brobably just pushed the egg out, and was burning up, she went to go get a drink of water, but didn't make it
. Thats what I think happend. Maybe putting in a fan would be a good idea, I just feel so sorry for you, and many others who I've heard had hens get heat stroke while in the nest box
. Hope things get better
Thanks. I hadn't really thought of that. The coop does seem to get a little hot during the afternoons. And she does tend to lay around 10 or 11am. I think it's time for a new screen door and more airflow then....They have 2 windows and a vent, but I never considered the egg laying during the heat of the day. Poor thing! I feel so bad imaging her running to the water and not making it!
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Again, soo sorry
. Im just kinda glad I live in central CA, where every summer is like this(106 degrees in the shade), so my chickens are used to it, but this summer actually seemed cooler here, as the rest of the U.S experienced record breaking heat, we actualy got record breaking coolness ever, for a summer here
. I just think this temp is all weird, I heard my dad say that the tsunami that happened in Japan, changed the Earth's axis just a little, tinsy winsy bit, so I guess the suns hitting places a bit hotter now. But I don't know. I just hope it ends soon

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