Popcorn chicken!

Santa Claus

May 19, 2019
So our chicks are hatching and I must say that I am way happy .
Our first hatchling has been named by Mrs. Claus. Clark, as in Clark Kent...
This chick pipped and zipped like he had downed 3 5 hr energy drinks! The gray down head in the bottom left.

He was alone for about 2hrs and then they started to pop like popcorn! So far out of 20 collected eggs we have
1 clear
2 day 4 quitters
2 tardy
1 zipping
14 up and running 191436DA-BE7A-4BAB-A2BB-4B7191878145.jpeg
Congratulations, it sounds like a really great hatch! I hope your two tardy ones hatch for you soon as well! :D

The tardy ones were the last collected in the batch and because I didn’t know they should be stored at 60 degrees or so the first eggs collected actually started pipping just hours after I removed the turner. I had been gradually raising the humidity from day 14 to 70% on day 18. It seems that it is better to be lucky than good. I also chose my oldest rooster and my oldest hens. At 4 years and 3 years respectively. I think that had a lot to do with the fertility and vitality of the eggs.
Thanks for the well wishes.

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