Popular Saying That Originated From Chickens


BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
Hey Friends,

From the very first day I got chickens I've been noticing all the sayings that originated from chickens or raising chickens. Can ya'll help me come up with / find all the sayings out there? I thought for sure there would be a website with all of them listed, but couldn't find anything. By the way, I know these types of phrases have a name, but don't remember the term.

Here are the ones off the top of my head:

Cooped Up
Pecking Order
Run around like a chicken with your head cut off
Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched
"Hen pecked" comes to mind.....

When we got our first chickens, the two hens were pecking the little roo and my husband says, "Well, now I know what "hen pecked" means." 'Course now the little hens love the roo.

My dad used to say, well, he still does, "Sweatin' like a hen drawing rails" I guess those would be fence rails, as a lot of the fences where I grew up were made out of split cedar rails.
Oh ha ha hah!

I have one, but it might just be a local thing.

If you see someone doing something really stupid, or setting themselves up for something really dumb, you say "A chicken's head is only this wide (show fingers an inch or so apart) but they know enough to come in out of the rain."

Examples would be people preparing to climb a ladder that isn't secure, anything seen on the show "Jackass", investing in some risky scheme, getting involved with a risky person.

Also the idea of having a hen party--this is any group of women getting together for just about any purpose!

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