Porcelain d'Uccle Bantam Thread


Chicken Photographer
8 Years
Feb 5, 2015
Hello! I thought i would start a thread about the Porcelain d'Uccle bantam. It doesn't seem to be a popular breed, but i'm getting one hen very soon and i would like to see everyone else's flock of them. (That is if they have them) I hope this starts to become a popular breed soon! PLease post your thoughts pictures comments and more.
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I hate to say it but at just 7 weeks old with very red combs they all look like deffinte cocks. Their very cute though.
Did you guys notice that your Porcelain d'uccles were smaller than your other chicks? I have one that is eating and drinking but not growing. Her feathers are coming in, she's warm, but continues to have pasty butt from time to time.

I only have one this year but the chick is significantly smaller than the other Bantam chicks that I have
Or is there anybody here that has a proclain d'Uccle? If so I'd love to here about your experience! I'm getting one very soon.

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