Positive reassurance needed?!?


Apr 22, 2017
Thessalon, ontario
Iam new to raising turkeys , I have raised chickens as pets with great success , however I plan to sell my turkeys for meat . For some reason I have developed a fear that somehow I may feed my turkeys something that may harm a human apon consumption..... am I overthinking ? Thinking wayyyy to far into things? Or is this something that could happen even if I stick to there diet of turkey feed and some fresh veggies ??
I know it’s silly I just really need some reassurance
Thank you so much to any advice offered
I know it’s silly I just really need some reassurance

You're good enough,
you're smart enough,
& doggone it, people like you!

Sorry I couldn't resist. :lau
All kidding aside, don't worry too much. Healthy animals make healthy food. :thumbsup
I’m not sure what you’re worried about is even possible.
Meat is meat.
As long as it’s cooked and handled properly, it’s fine. And that’s in the hands of those who prepare it, not you.
Just make sure you cool it and freeze it after slaughter.
I’m sure there’s instructions on this forum for that as well as books and maybe even YouTube videos that can give you instruction.
Gaining more knowledge about preparing meat birds will help with your confidence level.
I wouldn’t worry about it.

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