Possibility of chronic Fowl Cholera...how to deal with it in a home flock


10 Years
Dec 28, 2009
I have 2 hens with eye issues right now. One has severe periorbital edema, the other has hypopyon (pus inside eye). Based on those findings, plus the fact that I had a layer about 3 years ago who came down with severe wattle edema, it finally has hit home that I may be dealing with chronic fowl cholera. Well, of course, I have the biggest hatch this year of my Silkies ever (figures), and now I'm trying to figure out how to deal with this. It isn't officially diagnosed, either, but I'm pretty sure this is what is going on.

I am the kind of person who would never want to spread a disease to someone else's flock, so I'm sitting here with about 100 exposed chicks (all asymptomatic), a new flock of layers (all asymptomatic), and some of my old hens. Frankly, if it's just my flock, I don't care...I am not going to cull everything and start over; especially since the disease will remain in the soil. Looking back, I now see some symptoms that have popped up throughout the years, but with no losses.

Should this be the case, I would like to know what others have done in a similar situation. I also will add that I do not have neighbors with poultry, just myself. Thanks.

Also, I am contemplating culling the symptomatic birds. The hen with hypopyon will definitely have to be culled. The other has had about once a year periorbital swelling...I am on the fence about it.

Edited to add: obviously, if this is really the case, I guess no more breeding for me.
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