Possibility of male ducklings affecting my flock dynamic?


Apr 14, 2021
Hi there! We have the opportunity to purchase two magpie ducklings to add to my flock, but we won't know what their gender is. I'm a bit nervous about the possibility of them being two drakes, and how that may affect the ratio of my current situation.

We currently have all females-
1. Indian runner- one year old
2. Pekin- unknown age, adopted from a rescue
3. Indian runner- 6 weeks old
4. Buff- 6 weeks old

Is this too risky to take a chance on? I stubbornly would love a Magpie so I'm hoping to find a way to make it work, but I also worry I may have to rehome one later if the males are too aggressive.
Hi there! We have the opportunity to purchase two magpie ducklings to add to my flock, but we won't know what their gender is. I'm a bit nervous about the possibility of them being two drakes, and how that may affect the ratio of my current situation.

We currently have all females-
1. Indian runner- one year old
2. Pekin- unknown age, adopted from a rescue
3. Indian runner- 6 weeks old
4. Buff- 6 weeks old

Is this too risky to take a chance on? I stubbornly would love a Magpie so I'm hoping to find a way to make it work, but I also worry I may have to rehome one later if the males are too aggressive.
you really need at least 4 ducks per drake, so if you end up with two drakes you could either separate both from the flock, by building a "bachelor" pen where they can't get to the ducks, rehome one drake, or buy a few more hens.
It is a risk, and you would have to make a choice on what to do, as two drakes could overbreed the ducks or end up fighting.
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