Possible Allergy to Duck Eggs??

So I have a question: when it says stomach pain, would it be lower or upper stomach area?
I've been having pain in my actual stomach. Sharp pains and nausea.
Wondering if those described here are the same.
I was actually in the ER because the pains were so bad.
As I recount: all of my episodes seem to coincide with baking with duck eggs.
Brownies, cookies, pancakes. No one else got sick.
They actually thought I had an ulcer because the pains were so bad.
At the E R , I was diagnosed with pancreatitis as well( no gallbladder and I don't drink)
So I'm a little confused as to what is causing it and hoping it's not duck eggs :(
I started getting diarrhea and the only thing new in my diet was duck's eggs. My birds just started producing this spring. I'm not 100 percent convinced duck eggs are the cause, but I'm trying to test it out. So far I feel better when I don't have duck eggs for breakfast. When I do, I don't necessarily get the trots anymore but I do feel really bad in my lower stomach area.
Everyone reacts differently when sensitivities are involved. I can eat duck and goose eggs, but not chicken. There is a boy we know who is opposite and can only eat chicken eggs. Listen to your body. I would try an isolated test sometime when I'm not too busy and avoid eating the main 8 allergen foods and only have the food in question that day. That's just me, I am not a doctor, and my sensitivities have never landed me in the ER.

How important is eating duck eggs to you?

Short answer, yes it could be duck eggs.
My husband recently discovered that he is allergic to duck eggs, also. He gets nauseous every time he eats one, no matter if it is baked into something or scrambled. He doesn't have any problem with chicken eggs. My daughters and I don't seem to have the allergy. When he looked it up, he found that it seems to affect more men than women. Have you found this to be true?
I find that if I eat more than a couple of eggs I get a stomachache, no diarrhea or nausea, but I'll have a stomachache for a few hours. I think it's because the eggs are so rich.
We bought our first ducks this March and started eating eggs about July / August.I am very sorry to say that I am thinking I am allergic to duck eggs, which stinks because I have 5-6 fresh eggs laid daily. I also noticed for the past few years that I have intense pain in my stomach after eating chicken eggs which really stinks because I get about 2 dozen a day. After I eat duck eggs my tongue, throat and lips swell and I get a headache dizziness and vomit uncontrollably for 4-6 hours. I went to the ER  in August thinking I had some kind of flu or possible gallbladder ( because I just had my 3rd child). The Dr. ran all kinds of tests and diagnosed me with dehydration ( which I obviously knew that ) and sent me home with anti- vomiting medication, which I never filled. Has anyone else experienced these symptoms?
I too have the same reaction to chicken eggs. Until I got my ducks, and started eating the duck eggs with no reaction. I hadn't eaten a chicken egg (except when cooked in something) in over 5 yes. It fill so good to beable to eat eggs again. If your husband can't eat duck eggs, can he eat chicken eggs. If chicken eggs don't bother him,then you know it is the egg.
I've also had some trouble with duck eggs. Unfortunately the oral challenge is the only way to be SURE of the allergy. I have found mine is an intolerance. I become VERY ill with GI distress each and every time I eat duck eggs. And I too have had it progressively worse.. It's a sad thing as they are so yummy.
A skin test will not help you to determine if you have digestive issues. What we commonly call an allergy can actually be an intolerance.

We say allergy because other people will understand that we need to avoid the food. When you say intolerance people don't understand

or take it seriously sometimes even though it needs to be avoided the same as an allergy.
Yes, and the rule we follow is: for allergies there are three systems in a reaction. Skin Airway Stomach. ONE reaction either skin or Stomach is an intolerance. But BOTH at same time is an ansphylactic allergy, Airway alone is ansphylactic allergy. Airway is: lips, gums, mouth, tongue, throat, post nasal drip in throat, lungs, coughing in any manner, productive or not,

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