Possible Broken Wing!!! Please Help!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 8, 2012
Please help, i have a little silky hen that has a possible broken wing, up at her shoulder. I dont know what to do! Her little wing is drooping a little, about an inch or two and looks like its bent too. I have some pictures that are not very good....and i dont know whether towrap her up or leave it alone? I mixed her up a low dose aspirin in some yogurt, which she loves, and i brought her inside. Shes eating and drinking and getting around alright, I'm very confused, dont know what to do, please help!! Its her right wing.

If you have her with a rooster, I would move him to a separate pen. From the pictures, it doesn't look too bad, and I would guess that she will heal with no intervention on your part. Her wing may always be somewhat lower, but her quality of life will be fine.
If you have her with a rooster, I would move him to a separate pen. From the pictures, it doesn't look too bad, and I would guess that she will heal with no intervention on your part. Her wing may always be somewhat lower, but her quality of life will be fine.

I agree. Minimize opportunities/chances for aggressive, physical activity and she should do just fine. Let us know how it goes.
Thanks everyone for all the information, it was very helpful. I brought her inside last night and she did fine, she didn't even act like anything was wrong, so this morning i took her out side and penned her up by herself so she could get a little sunshine. Now the funniest thing, i was looking at her and noticed that her wing looked different! It almost looked normal, it wasnt drooping like it had been earlier... i dont know about this crazy bird. The wing still looks a little funny, but better than before. If anything changes i'll let everyone know. Again, thanks!!
I've had a RIR rooster who broke his wing after a fall from his perch. He healed fine with no intervention, (wouldn't let me catch him anyway), but he always held his healed wing lower than his other one. He still was able to use it to fly up to perches and the like.
I've had a RIR rooster who broke his wing after a fall from his perch. He healed fine with no intervention, (wouldn't let me catch him anyway), but he always held his healed wing lower than his other one. He still was able to use it to fly up to perches and the like.

It may have been <just> a sprain/strain; God knows, these critters are incredible healing machines if given a chance!!
Yes, i think they are incredible little critters...lol. Definately tough to be so small.
I think that my little henny fell off her perch and thats what hurt her wing. She's doing fine all except when its bed time, she cant flutter up to her roost, i have to put her up there. Hopfully she will heal and get better. Thanks to everyone for all the help!! It looks like we will have a full recovery.

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