Possible broody: fertilized eggs?

Well, one thing is for sure - she's definitely broody! :celebrateWe do still have one weird thing to figure out. One of our other hens, the one who went broody this April, sits with her in the nesting box for a lot of the day and sleeps with her there too. She isn't making broody sounds or anything or showing any signs except sitting with the broody. Any ideas?
We're likely going with adopted day-olds. Some people in our area may have some - we can't mail-order because we don't have the room for the minimum of most hatcheries! :lol: Does anyone know if there are any hatcheries near CO with low minimums? Thank you!
Are you sure you have enough space....been thru a winter yet?
Plans for the inevitable 50% males that hatch?
Hatching is FUN... but crowding, with cockerels, is NOT.
We've been through one winter. They would go out even in the snow sometimes, but I'm planning on covering the run or at least draping a tarp over it this winter :) As long as they had fresh food and water they were always fine... and as long as we cleaned the coop out frequently! In the deepest snow and the very coldest days they stayed inside 24/7. But most days they went out and about.
We're going to build poop boards soon too. That'll help with the hygiene part. Right now we have a piece of plywood nailed to the underside of one roost to kind of try it out. It's worked great so far and has caught all the poop from that roost. :D
As far as my plans for cockerels go, I think we might adopt sexed day-olds. Hopefully only one (or less) cockerels will come with the sexed chicks! And then, well, probably try to find it a good home on social media. We've done it with one cockerel.
It depends on your plans for aged birds as to how many chicks. I plan on giving my broody hens one chick at a time since they can go broody every other month if they are a broody breed and if not they still might go broody once a year. I will want to give the hen each time she goes broody but I can only let her have a chick 3 times because I plan on starting with 2 hens and keeping them their whole lives, I’m only allowed 5 hens at present. When they go broody and raise a chick their lifespans increase because they get a break from laying. I know a local seller that will sell me just one chick but most want you to buy at least two. The chicks I will get will be autosexed breeds mostly Crele coloured) Meyer hatchery in Ohio will ship 3 chicks but there could be a risk with that few shipped.

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