Possible Coyote mix?

she looks like a sable GSD. She does have a very broad nose, but that doesn't mean a lot. Actually, I don't think the broad nose would come from a coyote gene pool either.

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I suppose it's not impossible, but there is absolutely nothing about that dog that looks even remotely like a coyote to me. The sable coat which wild canids, in particular wolves and coyotes, often have, is also a common color in several breeds. Her build is too "solid" and her nose too broad to be a coyote mix IMO. The second and third pictures look almost exactly like a german shepherd. The only thing that seems "off" in those pictures is the pattern above her eyes. That kind of a pattern is not usually seen in sable GSDs (although I doubt it's impossible for it to show up in purebred GSD's) and is more typical of what you would see in a keeshond, elkhound, or maybe husky. Her muzzle seems very broad in the first picture, too broad for a GSD, in fact it almost looks swollen like she was stung in that first picture.
how old? and how big is she?
German shepherd females weigh between 48 lbs and 70 lbs and can less than 2 feet tall.
She also doesn't look quite right for purebred german shepherd. But GSD's are smaller than some people think they should be. My female was 24" tall at the shoulder and 75lbs, and was one of the smallest GSD's I've met personally, yet according to the written breed standard she was the maximum height (therefor presumably the maximum acceptable ideal size) for a female. Most GSD's out there are way over-sized, they are supposed to be a medium-large breed, not a giant breed. There's not really anything in the pictures to use as a size gauge, so I was just going on what I could see. I agree that she's probably a mix of at least two breeds, possibly more, but I sure see a lot of shepherd in there.
The first picture only looks weird because she has her mouth partially open. And shes around a year and a half. She's at least 2 and 1/2 foot tall.
I don't see any ounce of Coyote in her either. What made you believe she was a possible Coydog besides her being smaller than the average GSD. Are there any strange behavioral traits?
she is actually perfect size for a female GSD. I vote zero on the coyote and that she is largely GSD. She could be a mix or just a really bad example of the breed. Either way, she's definitely a cutie!

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