Possible Dislocated Joint


6 Years
May 17, 2013
Kentucky, USA
Hey guys! Finally home. Phew!

Okay, so, about a month ago I noticed Pyrrhos(my Mallard) limping. I kind of brushed it off, thinking maybe she bruised it or maybe one of us accidentally stepped on her foot. I went to Edna for roughly three weeks and came back, and she's still limping. Well, I decided to look at it(again). I'm not a vet at all, but there have been some times with dogs when I've been able to pinpoint problems, particularly with legs. Every time she kicked her leg, I could hear and feel something pop. I felt around a little more, and I believe I've pinpointed it to her left joint, where her leg connects with her body. My dad is thinking maybe there's a cracked bone, since it continues to pop(suggesting, to him, that it's popping in and out of place). I have no experience with dislocated joints.

Obviously, we are taking her to a vet, but won't be able to for another week. I was wondering if someone here might be able to help me out. My partner is wondering if this issue may have stunted her growth, since she seems really small. As in, less than half the size of my 9 week old Welsh Harlequins. I expected her to be smaller, but it seems... really small.

Anyways, if it is a dislocated joint, what are some really inexpensive and preferably homeopathic ways we could ease the pain until we do get her to a vet? Does anyone else have any experience with dislocated joints? Also, she has been on niacin for her entire life until three weeks okay, since I left and I don't think my dad was giving them niacin in their water. I've started it up again today. Pyrrhos is 11 weeks and 4 days old.
I would give her time in lukewarm water, deep enough to float in. That takes pressure off and stimulates circulation.

Epsom salts is a healing mineral, do not let her drink it, it is a laxative. Make a compress or stand her is a small bowl to prevent drinking.

Vitamins are good.
Got her in water now.

Other than that, I have noticed a personality shift. She hangs back a lot and doesn't rush for food anymore. I've been attributing that to her being a wild-hatched Mallard, but now I wonder if it's from her injury. I guess only time will tell.
Okay, well, her spirits were lifted, but she's still limping. I'll do an Epsom salt compress tomorrow morning and put her in the tub again afterward.

Should I bring her inside during this next week, or do you think that might add more stress?
Okay, well, her spirits were lifted, but she's still limping. I'll do an Epsom salt compress tomorrow morning and put her in the tub again afterward.

Should I bring her inside during this next week, or do you think that might add more stress?
Both, possibly. Is there another duck she likes? Sometimes I use a buddy system.
Soaked her in Epsom salt for about 20-ish minutes, and bathed her for probably 30 minutes. Would have been longer, but I was pressed for time and wanted to see if it would help. And, it did. She's moving a bit better; still limping, but she isn't hanging back so much anymore(and this is the second day of letting her float in the tub). Tomorrow I'll be trying to let her soak for longer and give her a longer bathing time. She did manage to sip some water, but after two runny poos, she was normal.

I would really like to save money if at all possible, so, I'm wondering if I should hold off on the vet and see if the Epsom and floating therapy will help. But, of course, I don't want her to be in pain. I just really don't know what to do. x.x
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Always tough to decide...
Either way I'll have to wait until Tuesday to see if we have the money, and if not, then we have to wait two more weeks and check again, so on and so forth. So I'll see how she is by Tuesday.

I want to do this two times a day. How long should she soak in the Epsom salt? I'd like to have her float for at least thirty minutes, but maybe up to an hour. Twice a day, would that be two much?
Either way I'll have to wait until Tuesday to see if we have the money, and if not, then we have to wait two more weeks and check again, so on and so forth. So I'll see how she is by Tuesday.

I want to do this two times a day. How long should she soak in the Epsom salt? I'd like to have her float for at least thirty minutes, but maybe up to an hour. Twice a day, would that be two much?
Twice a day seems right to me. I always do Es soaks as long as they'll let me, from 3 to 5 minutes, but 10 would be glorious.
Remember - it's a laxative, no drinking.

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