Possible egg binding? Help identify?


In the Brooder
Jul 8, 2016
I'm nearing the 1 year aniversery of getting chickens for the first time and I've come across something I'm hoping can be identified. I have 7 hens and I'm getting 4 to 5 eggs a day. (I think they're heat lamp has started their egg production back up) and the past few days I was only getting around 3 eggs or so. And then this morning when I went to let them out of the barn stall I have them in for the winter, I found a frozen bloody egg shell and maybe some fleshy bits, as well as a huge pile (relatively any way) of bloody poop. Was one of my hens egg bound and then was able to pass it and all the poop behind it? This morning I was greeted by 5 eggs again. They have regular access to water and layer feed. I am currently out of grit but wasn't worried about it because there wasn't any snow on the ground until a few days ago. I live in southern Michigan and we had a warm spell. They free range every day but tend to stay inside when it's really cold and snowy.

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