Possible frostbite?

Paul 1952

7 Years
Apr 10, 2012
Spokane Valley, WA
Take a look folks ... opinions appreciated. Picture is worth a thousand words so see what you think. Am I looking at a frostbite situation here? And what to do???

Notice the black spot in the center there? Well that was on both sides, so the caring chicken owner that I am put a little Neosporin on there. Figured it would be okay as it's much like Vaseline which is recommended for cold weather. So, now a few days later this is the result...
Did have some below zero temps last week... lows in the 20's now. No heat in the coop... Chicken in question here, Moe, is active and none too happy about the photo op here. :) The black spot seemed more of a pecking thing as the other chickens work her over now and again...
So there ya have it.... questions? Idea?
TIA ~ Paul
My RIR roo has the same black spotting on his comb, as well as some light bleeding. Does he need anything more than Bannix and Vaseline? Will it hurt to spray Bannix that close to his eyes?
Yes, that looks like frostbite. There isn't much you can do to treat it. Put some antibiotic ointment on it to help prevent any infection and put some vaseline on too to help prevent further frostbite. Rubbing VetRx on the comb may also help, as it will increase the circulation.

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