Possible internal laying


8 Years
May 28, 2013
My Coop
My Coop
Well, here I am not 24 hours from Prolapse Week...with my 6 yr old Mabel, a not-so-big Jersey Giant.

I noticed 2 days ago she was keeping to herself. Yesterday morning, I found 2 large pieces of very soft eggshell on the poop board.
Yesterday afternoon I happened to see her from a spot where she was backlit from the sun and it looked as if she had egg white hanging under her.
I was installing a panel in my run to prepare for chicks and by the time I walked over to her about 2 minutes later, it was gone. I ran a sink full of warm water and Epsom salts, gave her a soak and could feel nothing inside her - but the way she seemed to be gasping, I assume she has laid internally.
I wrapped her in a towel and gave her a quick blow dry and then my husband held her while I gave her 2ml oral Baytril.
I have her in my newly acquired and much-used "hospital crate". She is quiet, sitting on a towel-covered straw nest and still breathing beak-open. I just gave her another dose.
Mabel had an internal laying incident last year, but I was able to remove eggshell from inside her, treat her with Baytril and she recovered. Now she's 6 and I know we may not be so lucky. My question is, Is there anything else I should be doing or can do? Should I keep her crate covered? Offer only water? Vitamin?

Thanks everyone, I don't know what I would do without you all.

She pulled through! She is fine!
I gave 2 doses of Baytril a day for 3 days. Kept her in darkness the first 2 days and returned her to the coop. By day 3 she was eating and foraging.
I'm shocked and happy!

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