Possible issue.


Mar 22, 2019
Central Washington State
So I have yet to purchase my chickens. I am looking ahead though and I have a question:

I have an irrigation ditch that runs through my property. I plan to, eventually, free range during the day. I will keep them corralled until they are older then slowly introduce them to the area. Question: should I be concerned with them drowning themselves in the ditch?

Obviously they will have plenty of fresh water in waters. I give them credit for having enough brains to not crawl into the creek, and when I was a kid it was never a problem. Just a random thought I had.
Their feathers aren't waterproof and they tend to avoid deep water but will stand in it in hot weather. If the banks aren't steep enough that they could fall into the water, I wouldn't worry.
I personally wouldn't worry about them drowning in it, but since I don't know much about your setup I would wonder if there is potentially lots of fertilizer or other chemicals/runoff in this ditch and if the water would be toxic to the chickens to drink :confused: You would know the answer to this better than I. I like to think that animals somehow know instinctively not to go in unsafe water and avoid drowning as well as not to drink bad water, but really I'm not sure.
I personally wouldn't worry about them drowning in it, but since I don't know much about your setup I would wonder if there is potentially lots of fertilizer or other chemicals/runoff in this ditch and if the water would be toxic to the chickens to drink :confused: You would know the answer to this better than I. I like to think that animals somehow know instinctively not to go in unsafe water and avoid drowning as well as not to drink bad water, but really I'm not sure.

Not a great deal of run off in this ditch. I'm pretty close to the head. Other animals that drink it have no issues. I plan to keep lots of water available to them other places. Like I said. I think I am worried for nothing.
You must live where crocodilians don't exist.
The last time I was in Costa Rica, there was a drainage ditch where dogs frequently disappeared. From time to time a person would be taken. There's one bridge where to water below is rife with them and people feed them chickens off the bridge.

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