Possible Mareks or Avian Leukosis...Need some opinions please! :)


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 24, 2014
Ok. I am a new chicken owner. I bought 5 pullets from a lady who breeds. 5 different breeds.

It was all a shock to me how much work they would be and how much I would worry! They were given to me with lice. (i noticed dirty bum) I treated with powder. I also dewormed them with Piperazine.

Then I began noticing the open mouthed breathing from my Wyandotte. Also, my Orpington sneezes A LOT. No discharge, just sneezing. Its still happening.

This was a different issue than my Wyandotte, Blossom. She began standing alone and having a harder time breathing. I assumed a respiratory issue. I called an avian vet.

My vet put her on oxygen right away and did a physical exam and couldn't see anything obvious. She offered to give blood tests and put her under for a scope but chances were she wouldn't survive that. So I had her euthanized and sent for necropsy.

I have only received a preliminary call about results stating that Blossom had extremely distended organs and her organs were covered in tumours (lesions) and they suspect the swelling was pushing on her air sacs preventing her from breathing. She also had lots of blood in her lungs.

The vet said they suspected 1 of two things, either Mareks or avian leukosis. WHAT? Tissue samples were sent away and still waiting to find out. She said to treat them all with Ivermectin just in case of gapeworm even though she saw nothing down her throat. So I did that two weeks ago.

Everyone looked ok after that. But now my Maran hen, Kimmy Gibbler, is open mouth breathing, but not severe enough to upset her eating and drinking. I have read that with Mareks, signs may come and go until a big flare up from stress. Maybe thats the case? Beyonce, my Orpington, is still sneezing but still chasing me for sunflower seeds. :)

I am worried. I am also very sad and frustrated that my new chicken hobby has been a total nightmare.

I have also had to ditch a months worth of eggs!

My questions are (i think)....
1. Will I ever be able to add any more chickens or chicks to my flock of 4? (been building a big adorable coop and I may never be able to have more than four chickens..)

2. My chickens roam the yard freely mostly all day...contaminating everything. Do I ever have a chance at keeping healthy chickens in a contaminated yard?

3. Can someone make this all go away? lol

Thank you all in advance, I am on this site religiously. I would appreciate ANY help or advice I can get. I am totally stuck and frustrated. Thanks!

My Orpington is doing the open mouth breathing thing also. Started today kinda inactive. She is 20 weeks old. I was wondering if she could be sick or getting ready to lay her first egg? I had a brahma die about 6 weeks ago so I am all paranoid in raising these girls. My first time with chickens also! Going to follow your thread and see if someone has any answers. Good luck with your chicks!
she was having a hard time walking, very wobbly. not really eating or drinking. Came on very fast and a day later she passed. now my orphington made it through the night but is not moving around today. still eating and drinking though.
Hmm....I only noticed open mouthed breathing and then in the last days she would stand alone and close her eyes. She wanted to eat, but wouldn't. She would drink though a bit. Then her one wing drooped. That was when I knew something bad was going on. Mareks can show in so many different ways. I would seriously consider having a necropsy done on one to find out what's happening. So sorry you are going through this, I honestly feel your pain. :(
i dont even know of a vet around here that treats chickens, will have to look into that. also will have to look more into Mareks. how are your chickens doing now?
Thank you for your advise!!
I have been lucky about the vet situation. We have the university of Guelph here so we have an avian vet. Google avian vets in your area and see what it comes up with.

My birds seem ok right now. Aside from sneezy mc sneeze and the open mouthed breather. She isn't going downhill like the other hen so I figure she's fighting the mareks? Maybe the survivors are stronger than my other girl. Just wish they would hurry up with the results. I'm driving myself crazy. It sucks.

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