Possible Mites, checking treatment options

Autumn Leaves

5 Years
Aug 31, 2014
Cincinnati Ohio
I've noticed in the last week my some of girls feathers are looking a bit ratty. I think I may have a feather pucker as the feathers on the head look the worst. I've had feather puckers in the past, but I have not seen any birds actively pulling anyone's feathers so I can't narrow it down.

I just butchered my spring group of Muscvoy ducks and their feathers defiantly had something going on. I did not see any mites, but I have never treated for them so I want to be sure. Butchering the ducks also gave everyone much more room.

I'm going to go ahead and treat for mites as I do let my girls free range in the evening and they may have picked up something. Its also been crazy wet here, and I read that can help mites get a foothold.

I found these products on a thread search.
1) Martin's Pen and Poultry
2) Garden and Poultry Dust
3) Bayer Permectrin II Insecticide

I am thinking of spraying the girls at night when they are roosting and cleaning the coop and applying the dust in the coop. From reading on here it seems that this is the way to go but I want some reassurance. I don't want to hurt my girls.

Permethrin seems to be the safest option. I have an Australian Shepherd that carries the MDR1 gene so Ivermectin is a big no.

As anyone had an issues with the above products recently?
I'd want to find mites or lice before treating, to avoid an unnecessary treatment.
Look at night while they are roosting, with a flashlight, at as many birds as you can, especially any roosters.
If one bird has one 'bug', then treat everyone, and the coop.
Permethrin spray concentrate is inexpensive and easy to apply, and it's sold here at TSC.
Spinosad is hard to find and very expensive. I'd not bother with it now.
Pyrethrin is the organic version of permethrin, if you have a totally organic flock.
Ivermectin works, but isn't approved for use, so I avoid it, especially for mites or lice.
DE is nasty to inhale, and doesn't work well. Don't bother.
I'd want to find mites or lice before treating, to avoid an unnecessary treatment.
Look at night while they are roosting, with a flashlight, at as many birds as you can, especially any roosters.
If one bird has one 'bug', then treat everyone, and the coop.
Permethrin spray concentrate is inexpensive and easy to apply, and it's sold here at TSC.
Spinosad is hard to find and very expensive. I'd not bother with it now.
Pyrethrin is the organic version of permethrin, if you have a totally organic flock.
Ivermectin works, but isn't approved for use, so I avoid it, especially for mites or lice.
DE is nasty to inhale, and doesn't work well. Don't bother.
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I'd want to find mites or lice before treating, to avoid an unnecessary treatment.
Ditto Dat^^^

Google images of lice/mites and their eggs before the inspection so you'll know what you're looking for.

Part the feathers right down to the skin around vent, head/neck and under wings.

Best done well after dark with a strong flashlight/headlight, easier to 'catch' bird and also to check for the mites that live in structure and only come out at night to feed off roosting birds.

Wipe a white paper towel along the underside of roost to look for red smears(smashed well fed mites).

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