Possible New Rule to ID Every Chicken

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I think that that later might be sooner. I was talking to my some freinds of ours that works for the DMV. And I dont know if this is totally true or not but They said that next may (in Colorado at least ) they are going to micro chip every that comes in to renew their drivers license. They said it was going to make it easier for cops to idenify peoples idenity. And make it easy for them to find you if you ever broke the law.And if any one refused this they couldnt get new license. I dont know how factual this is, as I have not had the time actually get on the computer much this week.But I am going to try to out hjopefully tonight. I can tell you one things for sure, there aint no way in hell they are ever going to do it to me, or my family. And they dont need to know exactly where and what ever one that is obeying the laws, and I am sorry But I am not going to become a number. Last time people were forced to be printed with a number, was during the holaucost.
And I think people need to think about getting a petition going against this thing about marking our animals. It is none of their business. Anyway I am going to go a look to see if can figure out if this is true or not.
Think of the manpower it would take for the government to send someone door to door to inforce a law like that, especially in rural areas.
There are no records for the animals even being born, how could they ever know who has what?

My suburben county has an ordinance that limits you to 3 animals period. That law was passed over 20 years ago. I own more than ten times as many, have for years without a problem.

Everyone of my neighbors owns more than the limit.

We have laws already on the books about rabies vaccinations for dogs & cats, just think for a minute about how many people who own dogs & cats have never had them vaccinated?

The government can't even keep up with illeagal alien in this country, and they have paper trails everywhere, jobs, medical attention, financial assistance, etc...

IF it passes, it would not be enforcible.
I actually did not say "Keep Big Brother out of Farm Bill" I said that I had gotten it in an e-mail and I was passing it along for viewing by others.
I also am a little surprised that you wouldn't even let Alleyoops25 do research before poo-poo-ing her. She will tell us if this is true or not.
I am very interested in seeing if it is true. If they (government) won't let you register your car, then you are kind of stuck... well, without a license. Then of course they ask you for your license every time you write a check or use your credit card. Guess you (and I) will have to start using cash. Unless you need an ID to get your cash.....

This reminds me of Revelation 13:16 & 17 :
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

So far every Bibly prophecy has come true...
Time to start studying your Bible!
I dont' know about micro chipping people for drivers licences but here in Ok you now have to give your fingerprints or not get a licence. I was not very happy with this. I think it could really clog things up in an ivestigation when they don't only have criminals prints but all law abiding citizens as well. They said it was a national saftey issue and would'nt be put in the criminal data base but do you believe everything you are told by the govt?

I try to stay out of these inflamitory topics but this one got to me.
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I was about to start preaching the book of Revelation.. Because yeah, almost every End-Time prophecy has come true so far. So, this should make everyone wonder, are you ready?
If we, the people, don't get involved and stand up for our rights and freedoms and privacy - the government will take control. We have to become involved and let our voices be heard.

The issue here is that once they (the government) get what they want in one area of our personal lives - they then take another area. They always say it's in our best interest and it's for the good of the Country when they pass legislation that limits more of our personal freedoms (ever notice that pretty much every intersection in every town now has cameras keeping track of who just went through?).

Some things are probably for the good of our Country but knowing what animals we have isn't one of them. That's just getting into our personal lives, that's just keeping track of us!

I've not heard about the microchip here in Colorado regarding a driver's license but we do have to give our fingerprint now. Once again I believe that Big Brother is going too far into our personal lives.

Politics is a highly flammable topic but every person needs to take a stand on what they believe and get involved. Also - one hand written letter goes farther than any other source of contact to your local/national government official.

Finally - Revelations will come true ... we just don't know the time or hour.
If the government has an ounce of brain left, this bill won't pass. How in the world would they ever enforce NAIS??? According to what I've read, you'd have to report to the government every time an animal died, left your property, etc. So say someone wants to take their llama on a hike or their chicken to a show, it would have to be reported to the government.

IMO if the government wants to regulate farm animals, maybe they should start by regulating animals in factory farms a whole heck of a lot better then they are doing....
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