Possible peritonitis need advice, please


13 Years
Aug 9, 2010
I have a 4y old RIR who is happy, active, eating, and pooping fine. She has a squishy, distended abdomen, approximately the size of a large grapefruit. I have given her an Epsom salt bath and checked her vent for an egg. I do not feel anything in her abdomen - not sure I would know what an internal egg feels like.

I need advice about what to do next. I have some Bactricillin G (expired in 2019) that I gave IM to my last peritonitis girl, but she was MUCH sicker. Should I treat with the antibiotics now or just separate, allow rest, and see what happens?

Thanks so much!!!
What do her poops look like? Is her distended easily seen in a picture? Sometimes it is hard to tell if they have internal laying, egg yolk peritonitis, or ascites (water belly) or are just fat. I have lost several hens over the years, and have found ascites in quite a few. That can happen with EYP, cancer, and liver problems. Most times it is hard to diagnose until they die and you can open the abdomen to have a look. I probably would not use a 2 year expired injectable penicillin, but you could give some fresh or get some oral Fish Mox amoxicillin to give her.
What do her poops look like? Is her distended easily seen in a picture? Sometimes it is hard to tell if they have internal laying, egg yolk peritonitis, or ascites (water belly) or are just fat. I have lost several hens over the years, and have found ascites in quite a few. That can happen with EYP, cancer, and liver problems. Most times it is hard to diagnose until they die and you can open the abdomen to have a look. I probably would not use a 2 year expired injectable penicillin, but you could give some fresh or get some oral Fish Mox amoxicillin to give her.
It is swollen, but not easily pictured. Where do I get the amoxicillin?
What do her poops look like? Is her distended easily seen in a picture? Sometimes it is hard to tell if they have internal laying, egg yolk peritonitis, or ascites (water belly) or are just fat. I have lost several hens over the years, and have found ascites in quite a few. That can happen with EYP, cancer, and liver problems. Most times it is hard to diagnose until they die and you can open the abdomen to have a look. I probably would not use a 2 year expired injectable penicillin, but you could give some fresh or get some oral Fish Mox amoxicillin to give her.
I tried to reply to this, but it looks like it did not post. You can't really see the swelling in pictures, but her legs are wider apart than normal. Her poops look totally fine - totally normal. Her appetite is VERY good. I just don't know what to do. Where do I get fish mox? Could I go to my vet and just get some penicillin? He does not see chickens, but will probably sell me the medicine, I bet.

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