Possible to hold chicks too much?


7 Years
Jun 7, 2012
As the title says....Is it possible to accidentally hold your new chicks too much?

I have them sleeping on my chest under my T-shirt atm and they are just snug as little bugs. Befor I put them in my shirt they all seemed upset and peeping lots in their brooder.

I just wanted them to get some nice rest and not get too exhausted, but I dont want to hurt them on accident like ..dehydration or food or something.
As long as you offer water (on your finger, an eye dropper, shallow dish, etc) on a 30 min basis, they should be fine. Give them a chance to eat of course but they will be okay without that for longer peroids of time. The earlier and the more handling they get, the nicer and more docile they will be! Have Fun with your babies!

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