Possibly egg-bound?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 7, 2012
Long Island
I am the owner of five chickens, and four of them Have started laying. Today I was going outside to get the eggs and found the one chicken not laying in the nest sitting on all of the eggs. I kept going out over time to see if she'd moved and found she hadn't. I moved her off the nest and got the eggs she didn't seem like she wanted to stand and just sat on the floor of the coop. I felt near her butt and felt a hard thing (presumably an egg). Is she egg bund or just taking a long time to lay.
if you feel a hard knot (egg shape) she may very well be egg bound
I suggest bringing her in and soaking her bottom in very warm water...this will sometimes help relax them enough that they can push it out. You do not want to push on it, cause if you break the egg while inside her, you will cause a lot more issues. you can also tape a Q-Tip with oil on it and rub it just in the inside of her to help slick her up.
Hope this helps, and keep us posted,
Thanks! Are you sure she's egg bound? This is her first egg and I don't know if the first just takes a long time or anything. I don't time my other chickens
Never mind! She just laid her first egg. It's a really light tan color. The thing is she's suppose to be an Easter egger..... Hmmmm might have to post in the what breed or gender section.:D
Congrats....Post pictures of her... My chickens egg color have always varied slightly..... I would keep an eye out on her to make sure that she does not have troubles in the future (does not hurt to take precautions)...and warm soaks never hurt anyone =) My chicks love their soaks

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