(Possibly Solved) What is Wrong with Her Face?


Mar 4, 2012
I'm really not sure what happened, she's missing some feathers it looks like and that black stuff might be blood. I'm thinking the other girls pecked her; any ideas? Its only on one side.

I think the red in this next picture might be blood, but the camera made it look much more red than it actually is (it wasn't really noticable)

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I would separate her for a few days, with another chicken who won't peck her, and give the feathers a chance to grow back.
All right, so I've done a little thinking and I don't think she was pecked. I noticed she was missing her middle toe nail (this happened recently) but didn't think much of it because it happened to another one of my hens about a month ago and it was fine. But when I went to check the coop tonight I noticed that the roost was very bloody. At first I assumed she had been pecked really badly last night but she really doesn't ever get that much abuse from the other hens, plus my dad pointed out that if all that blood had come from her face she would've been covered from it. So, we've decided that her toe probably bled all over the roost (because when it happened to my other chicken it bled a lot but I noticed it before she went in for the night.) And she scratches her face a lot (and her feathers were messed up on the same side as the toe) so I'm thinking her feathers are just matted. I put her in around 7 or so and have been checking on her and she's huddled up next to her friend and all seems fine. I'll see when she gets the feathers cleaned and poofed back up again if she's missing any. Also, I spent a lot of time looking and couldn't find any other wound.

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