possum 0 ----chicken owner 2

Fireantz iceman

6 Years
Jun 16, 2013
Fayetteville North Carolina
Just dispatched another possum
They need to learn that the Cooper Farm is NOT the place to go for dinner.

Plenty of ground space available for more to enjoy...and I am not above double parking them either!

Pitting away my shovel and heading back to the greenhouses.....stopping by the bee hives along the way
I put over 30 (yes over 30) opossums in my plot for the garden in a span of a month. It did wonders for the garden and I highly recommend it. Although opossums are usually flea infested disgusting critters they provide bountiful nutrients to the soil.

Wish ya the best.

Hank Hill has no idea what lies beneath him.
Yep. I learned the hard way to dig deeper than 1 foot. P
U! 2' down is now my policy also. Ha
I've always thought they were kinda scary. When I was little, we had this large doghouse that my dad built for our lab. (This is now the chicken coop). After our dog passed, the cat moved in because she was due to have kittens. There is a chain link dog fence around it that we usually kept shut but she kept climbing out anyways so we just left it open for her sake. I went to feed her there and it was after dark. She went in the dog house and started hissing I shone my flashlight and there was a possum hissing back at me! Needless to say, it scared the daylights out of me and I went and told my parents. My dad gave me a gun and told me to shoot it. He went out with me and we scared it out of the house and bam! No more hissing possum. :) ever since then, I've always had it in the back of my mind, even though there's no way a possum will get in there now. It's just something I think about, and another reason I don't like them all that much.

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