Possum got one of my girls


5 Years
Jun 25, 2014
Over a week ago I found one of my girls half eaten on the bottom of my coop - which I leave the door open so the girls could go in and out when they want (free range) I have a 6' fence all around my yard and for 2 years it has been without any issues. This summer I trapped 7 possums and never did one ever go after my hens. I started locking the 2 girls I had left in the coop at night and set a trap and the very next day I caught a possum so that is why I think it was a possum that left a half eaten hen in my coop. Ever since that incident doodles is having a very hard molt and it is 30 degrees outside. They are not eating very well I have I 2 types of food out for them plus give them bread and meal worms. I think they are scared/stressed not sure. When I look inside the coop at night one hen is on top of the hen that has very little feathers left. I can't heat the coop since it is too small but I place a sleeping bag on top of the box where they sleep - they never slept on the roost just in the laying box for 2 yrs so I gave up wondering. What can I do?
I'm sorry for your loss.
Are you sure it was a possum? We have possums too, and I had something get one of my girls, but I believe it was a raccoon. I told my hubby I can't be to mad, its my job to keep my girls safe. I think she was not locked in the hen house that night, by accident.

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