Post Phoenix Pics Please

Thank you Kim:)
I'm a bit worried right now because I'm graduating on Thursday and all my birds are kept at the school farm. I'm not sure what I am going to do if I cant keep them there.
Congrats on the upcoming graduation Rambob!

Sad day up this way. The cockerel's leg kept getting worse. He was struggling to get to the feed and water so I had to put him down today. We are really heating up and would have been terrible for him to be stuck in view of food and water and not be able to get to it.

Looks like I will need to order more eggs, just hope the temperament is as fantastic as what we just lost.
3 more days! White and golden phoeniX eggs from @rambob59 under my broody orp are looking great! So Thursday will be exciting for me and Rambob! Congrats!
Thank you @Tabatha @OR4-hmom. Sorry you hade to put your roo down:/ I always hate to see them suffer. A week or so ago, I had a 3 month old Sumatra/phoenix cockerel that had terrible case of wry neck and it's feet were stiff and wings wouldn't go down. I'm assuming dehydration because earlier that day he was fine. They had water but I doubt he drank. I did all I could but he didn't make it and i lost 2 chicks that day too(1-2 weeks old)

Tabatha, my goldens come from wolftracks.
I have 4 golden and 1 white eggs pipping right now! So friggin excited! It's so hard not to pick up my broody every 5 minutes! Can't wait to post pics. Thank you so much @rambob59 for this opportunity!

EEEEEEPPPPPP! Hard to see under all the fluff, but my first phoenix chick is hatching! I am so happy! And it's a white! Seven more to go!

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