Post Phoenix Pics Please

Tomorrow I will get better pictures of the hen to post on here. I was hoping to show them, but if they are hybrids I will have to show some of my different chickens. Thank you so much:)
yep, the hen may well be fine, hard to tell from what I can see, but the male will get DQ ed on color I'm betting. You can bred the two together no problem, usually they just end up one or the other. Some how this guy LOOKs to be expressing a little bit of both colors though.
I was out today messing around the barns and thought I'd attempt to get a couple pics of the phoenix since we turned them loose. Not the best pics in the world (crummy cell phone camera) but they get the point across. The first pic is of a few of the silver pullets drinking from a leak in the hose. The one in the front has spurs and some nice pointed feathers coming in.
The second pic is of most of the flock of this years birds, there are a couple pullets and a cockerel that were behind me but you get the idea. The cockerels tails are finally coming in now that the sumatras have been separated into other pens. I have fair coming up next week so I'll snap some pics of them in the show cages

looking good Micheal
yep I t cant tick you off at times the way the PO handles eggs, and for some reason, I have notice Texas is extra ruff on them. Not sure what it is there but they do get a lot of them. If you are getting veins though, you are in good shape, at least it's trying. Loose aircells will still hatch if your lucky, ruptured aircells will never even develope. Sounds like you just have a loose one if you are getting some action so maybe you'll get 1 or 2 at least, you can always cross your fingers!!!

Hope she gets some one way or another, always nice to see new people take intrest in the breed
well....they did exactly as I thought they would....dried up!!
Candle friday veins.....cracked them open....just bloody yoke!!

Mayb better luck next time!!!
& Thanx for the Hope!!
Here are a couple pictures I got of my broody Phoenix hen. I have been breeding these hens (below) and roosters ( in previous post) together and the roosters always turn out looking like the one in the first post.

Does she look like a Golden Phoenix to you?

well crossbread I wouldnt say, but yes he does look to be a color cross. Like I said, that usually makes them just one or the other. It's very rare to get one showing both, really it's not supposed to even happen. But leakage can and does occur when a bird has 1 copy of a hidden gene in it. To me it looks like he is bb red but has a gold parent somewhere in his lineage, and the hackle color is " leaking" threw from the gold.

Here's what a clean bb red male should look like

That's an ohiki, not a phoenix, but it still shows the color you are looking for. It may just be a weak color or something on him, but to me his hacckle just looks to pale for a bbred, yet the rest is too dark for a gold.
Thank you so much. That makes a lot of sense.
I'm super glad I posted here. I would have been so upset if i got DQed.
Maybe I'll show some of my standard size chickens this year at the fair.
Thanks for all the help. :)

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