Post pics of your chicks thread!!!

My little babies from this year are almost all grown up. My black Australorps are already trying to make grown-up noises, but they still peep and cheep when they think no one is looking.
Gryffindor, our little EE roo

Everyone together (excluding our two very newest chicks). They're on the alert because a bluejay just flew overhead.

Anna wants to know what I'm up to.

Star has come a long way from his brush with death.

Anna and Mrs. O'Brien

Mrs. Patmore comes running.

Pipsqueak, my littlest chicken.

Mr. Bates. He's shy and quiet. I hope he grows up to be a good rooster.

This young buff orpington is either Honeybear or "Buffy", depending on whether you ask me or my husband. It's a subject of some contention with us.

Sybil says hi! I named this chick after a female character, but I fear she may actually be a he. The name has stuck though--maybe we'll call him Sy for short.

Pipsqueak again. She's so gosh darned cute!

The two newbies: Sugar (back) and Spice (fore) I suspect Sugar is a pullet and Spice a roo, but I won't know for sure for quite a while.

Mrs. Patmore is never far from my side. <3

I can't tell with any certainty if this is Mary or Mrs. Hughes. In person, I can tell them apart in a heartbeat, but it's harder in photos.

they are very pretty chicks good to see star is doing great after his near death experience
pipsqueak is a silver dorking right? she's gourges!!!!!

Top left and bottom right are our two newest that we purchased to replace some of the ones we lost to the dogs a few weeks ago. They are about 9 weeks old. The other babies are 11 weeks in these and of course the bottom middle are my two older girls. The back on is still recovering from an injury so prefers to spend most of her time in the coop where she feels safe.
Pipsqueak (according to the folks on the "what breed is this?" forum) is a silver duckwing Old English Game bantam. That's what I suspected she was when I bought her as a chick, so I'm inclined to believe them.
Pipsqueak (according to the folks on the "what breed is this?" forum) is a silver duckwing Old English Game bantam. That's what I suspected she was when I bought her as a chick, so I'm inclined to believe them.

ah she's still pretty just the same
My first hatch 12 out of 15 made it (15 eggs out of 18 made it to lockdown) These are my beautiful mutt babies :)

Just sun (heat lamp) bathing not dead :)


Just sun (heat lamp) bathing not dead :)
LOL I've had to reassure several friends and family members that my chicks/chickens were just basking or dustbathing and not dying of some horrible seizure or something. My buff orpington chick Honeybear would just stop whatever she was doing and plop onto her side with no warning to take a nap. It was quite alarming to the uninitiated! XD

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