Post picture of your turkeys!

Hey guys, so we found 4 of our turkey hen's eggs are growing. We have no tom. Anyone ever wound up with a turkey chicken hybrid? The only boys she's around are our roosters.
Hey guys, so we found 4 of our turkey hen's eggs are growing. We have no tom. Anyone ever wound up with a turkey chicken hybrid? The only boys she's around are our roosters.

It is possible they are hybrids, but if they hatch they may not survive. It is possible that parthenogenesis has occurred. It is documented in turkeys where the eggs are fertile without a Tom. However if they hatch they will all be males.
WOW..I sooo hope you keep us updated on this. Last year, we sold Guinea eggs and one hatched out a Guin-Hen. The lady was quite upset about it and I offered to drive 2+ hrs to exchange another guinea for her Guin-hen because I already had buyers interested in getting that hybrid baby..and then she decided she'd keep it afterall...we've hatched out lots of our guinea from that same pen last year (which had a very "active" Barred Rock/Leghorn mix cockerel in it) and never got a single Guin-hen...darn it!
Hmmmmmm it could be possible but extremely unlikely you sure you have all hens? Can a wild tom get to them?

She's our only turkey, but we have spotted a few wild hens in the area. There could be a tom, but we've never seen them hang out together. She's kind of a jerk to new birds.
She's our only turkey, but we have spotted a few wild hens in the area. There could be a tom, but we've never seen them hang out together. She's kind of a jerk to new birds.

Well my hen is a meanie but my tom still mates with her I think a wild tom snuck into your yard their crafty and also he may have looked like a hen if his feathers were down
3 more weeks till hatch day :) and we will see! I'd love a little poult if the wild boys snuck in. I'm afraid if they're hybrid eggs they won't make it to hatch. i'll keep you guys updated! We gave her chicken eggs for the unfertile ones, so either way, baby pictures will come.
my bourbon reds! I only have to turkeys... Hopefully getting more soon

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