Post picture of your turkeys!

my bourbon reds! I only have to turkeys... Hopefully getting more soon

WOW..I sooo hope you keep us updated on this. Last year, we sold Guinea eggs and one hatched out a Guin-Hen. The lady was quite upset about it and I offered to drive 2+ hrs to exchange another guinea for her Guin-hen because I already had buyers interested in getting that hybrid baby..and then she decided she'd keep it afterall...we've hatched out lots of our guinea from that same pen last year (which had a very "active" Barred Rock/Leghorn mix cockerel in it) and never got a single Guin-hen...darn it!

She did send a picture of the baby, which hatched around day 28 along with the other guinea eggs. The baby sort of looked like a barred rock baby, but no head dot. I sent her a link on Guinhens. I didn't keep the picture.

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