post your chicken coop pictures here!

:) it was just sitting on our property when we bought our house last year!
Well, darn,,,, we've been on our property for 25 yrs....with only 2 acres,,,,doubt I'll find anything like that that I haven't found already!!!!
Love your digs!  I've been trying to get ideas about how people are fastening their ramps or if they are free-standing ramps just leaning on the coop. I can't tell from photo if the ramp is nailed, screwed, hinged, or free-standing. We built a new ramp because the old one was skinny and flimsy and kept falling. The new one is wider and heavier and we thought to just lean it up against the nestbox ledge with a cinder-block on the ground at the bottom of the ramp to keep it from sliding. The coop is small and we need the ramp to be removable at cleaning time. Any input? Thanks.
What size is this coop? Did you use any sort of plans or drawings? This is similar to what I am hoping to build and my husband could use some help with either more pictures or measurements?
Thank you! 

The coop is 7' hight, 6 wide and 6 deep. I just winged it based on what i found. It was supposed to 4ft tall but the post i got were longer. The whole build plan was to make it as big as possible with what i found. All vertical supports are 4x4 and the support beams are 2x6. The roof is old barn metal, the floors are oak 2x4 (it was so old it was like nailing into concrete)
Nope, not so. Bantams use the same amount of required space as LF. Our Silkies are about 2-1/2 pounds and with all their fluff take up just as much width space as their taller leggier 4 and 5 lb LF flockmates. Sorry, but because bantams are somewhat diminutive doesn't mean they need less space than LF. People also forget to calculate that feed, water, treat bin, dust-bath and nestboxes will use up the allotted sq footage space in a coop. We allow 5 sq ft per bird in the coop beyond the aforementioned food/water/nesting facilities plus we free-range them all day. I have to chuckle at the pre-fabricated coops that say suitable for 3-5 chickens when even one bantam would be cramped in those little coops. Eglu coops are another that advertise suitable for up to 10 birds when most customers say 2 or 3 is the limit.

Chickens are lovely creatures but very messy in small quarters. You will be glad you gave them roomier healthier housing.

My apologies, Southerlys... Apparently I have been providing inadequate space for the past 12 years to my birds.

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