post your chicken coop pictures here!

That's a very cute coop! How many chickens are you going to house in it? What are the dimensions? Your roost bar/poop tray is great. I don't know what part of the country you live in, but be careful of that window that's right there at the roost bar area. You don't want any drafts directly on them. Is there other ventilation and/or windows?
That's a very cute coop! How many chickens are you going to house in it? What are the dimensions? Your roost bar/poop tray is great. I don't know what part of the country you live in, but be careful of that window that's right there at the roost bar area. You don't want any drafts directly on them. Is there other ventilation and/or windows?
Hi only got 3 chickens, 2 cream legbar 1 buff Sussex. I'm in the west Midlands UK. Its going to be a window that is only open in the day it will be tightly sealed at night, yes there will be other ventilation when the roof goes on. The coop is 3x3x3.
Hi only got 3 chickens, 2 cream legbar 1 buff Sussex. I'm in the west Midlands UK. Its going to be a window that is only open in the day it will be tightly sealed at night, yes there will be other ventilation when the roof goes on. The coop is 3x3x3.
Glad to hear you've only got 3...that coop couldn't hold any more than have large breed girls. Rule of thumb is at least 1-foot per bird on the roost. Also glad to hear there will be more ventilation of luck!!
On the up side, my daughter is a hunting widow, but they never buy meat. They have deer roast, deer ground meat, deer sausage, fish, duck. She bought a great wild game cookbook and they eat well.

It's not that.... I CANT GO HUNTING TOO!!!! :hit between kids, pets and this stupid ankle injury of mine, we can't afford my license due to all the drs bills... So he got his so he can get me a deer or two lol... At least I can help clean and butcher him... And the eating is awesome.... We just cooked the last deer steaks from last season last night.... I did a fajita style steak with a white herbal rice bed, side of carrots and spinach and home made buttermilk biscuits and sweet tea... Yummy...
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