post your chicken coop pictures here!

Here is a picture since we've done some work on the run. We want to cage it in all the way up and cover the top. Just slowly building up the supplies, really. We were going to add tin to part of the top, but it's not long enough, which is why it's in the background of one of the pics! Oh well...they can get under the coop, too, which is nice and shady.




Finally Done! Took 2 Months, An Angry Wife and Lots Of Trips To Lowes....But Chicken Are Out Of The Sunroom. Oh, Just Noticed This Was With The Temporary PLywood Roof. The Permanent Roof Is On Now.
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Well here goes, MY NEW CHICKEN COOP , WOOP WOOP !! I finished it 3 days ago and to my amazement got my first egg today ! I am thinking of drilling some vent holes with hardware mesh wire over them but where should I put holes on this coop . The thought of my birdies sweating to death at night torments me. The windows are wide open and only Lulu, the skinny one, can make it under the roof inside the coop. The other two sleep in the nesting cubbies. How about I drill four holes into the nesting box back and sides cover them with mesh wire ?
What's Wrong With Cutting OuT a 2X2 Window Above The Door? Cover With Wire Mesh, HaveA Shutters For Severe Weather.
My work in progress! We already had the shed in our backyard, so we cleaned it out, put up posts and built a small run area. Still working on getting the chicks up into their roosting area, but for now they happily lay on boxes and my cat's carrier.

Next up, creating doors that actually match and a cover for the run that isn't my tarp.

Any suggestions on things we should add? I am a new chicken owner.
I would add some roosts one lower and one higher they like to roost at night when older
New guy here ! This is my first post ...

Here is a pic of the coop I just finished.. My plan is to build a big run on the left side.. My 3 chicks are only 4 weeks old and haven't seen the coop yet ..

Here's our chicken coop, made to house 30'ish hens & roos.

This is the outside with the human door just to the right edge of the pic. I was on water-sealing duty.

This is a look at the inside looking through the human door. Hubby is working on getting the roof up.

This is the outside run on the other side of the coop.

A look at the inside with a partially finished floor (ran out of time) but I'm happy to report the floor is completely in. I'll have to run out there and get more pics.
Pretty redneck'ish but it's come a long way since these photos.

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