post your chicken coop pictures here!

I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out!

Next up... Refinish my porch and rest of backyard to look half as nice as the coop!

Very sweet build!
have to 2nd the comment about being able to reach the eggs from the deck. Wish mine was that easy! would have given a thumbs upon your post, but it seems BYC thinks I'm over my quota for thumbs ups at the moment... go figure
I mean who knew? I wonder how much that light is going to raise you elec bill though...
Very sweet build!
have to 2nd the comment about being able to reach the eggs from the deck. Wish mine was that easy! would have given a thumbs upon your post, but it seems BYC thinks I'm over my quota for thumbs ups at the moment... go figure
I mean who knew? I wonder how much that light is going to raise you elec bill though...

Thanks! I designed the whole thing around being able to get the eggs from the deck ;) The light is temporary... they are still young and its been cold at night recently (by phoenix standards!). They probably don't need the heat lamp anymore - but I'm an overprotective worry wart of a first time mom and playing it overly safe. lol.
Not sure if the ramp is too steep - they haven't ventured up it yet but might be because they are too young?

Next up... Refinish my porch and rest of backyard to look half as nice as the coop!
You and half the people on here!

Very sweet build!
have to 2nd the comment about being able to reach the eggs from the deck. Wish mine was that easy! would have given a thumbs upon your post, but it seems BYC thinks I'm over my quota for thumbs ups at the moment... go figure
I mean who knew? I wonder how much that light is going to raise you elec bill though...

Yeah the "easy reach" nest boxes are sweet. Hope it doesn't rain in Phoenix or Sylvester will be on you about lack of a roof over the nest box.
ETA: Just noticed the house roof relative to the nest box. If it rains on your house, it looks like you are going to get a LOT of rain from it on to your nest box. Problem whether it is egg collecting time or not. Might want to add "put gutters on the house roof" at the top of your "to do" list.

I second the lamp question. How old are the birds? If they are the same ones in your album on Dec 8th, they are well past needing a heat lamp in Vermont (where it is currently 6F) let alone Phoenix at 50F+.

Great start! Please tell me that's NOT the doorway

They are planning to have BIG chickens
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Our first coop was great. Mostly free, pretty predator proof being metal and hardware cloth, and a decent size for the bantams - 4' x 8' and tall enough for me to stand in.

But we decided we might like to let the broodies raise some chicks this year and it was also getting to be a pain to get to one corner to clean or get eggs. We now live at the house I grew up in and we had a playhouse on a metal platform. Over the years, it had just turned into storage and after the door got a hole in it, a place for cats to get in and pee.

We removed the siding, but the framework was still in good shape. A bit tricky, but we got it down.

We're in Texas where you almost can't get enough ventilation, so we started in immediately with the hardware cloth. We covered the ends.

We wrapped it around the edges. (Please excuse my lack of proper terminology.)

We took out two of the windows across from each other and created larger hardware cloth covered openings. Then we started adding new siding and trim.

I wanted to keep one real window on the side so that it would let in some sun during the winter and we would be able to open it during the hottest part of the summer (their roost poles are located in this area.) We covered the entire window in hardware cloth then added trim around it so that it can be left open securely.

I painted it with a barn and fence oil based paint. Not the prettiest, but it was for protection, not looks.

We moved it into the same location the previous coop was in.

We could not get this one as close to the fence, so we had to build a tunnel to connect the coop to their run.

Next boxes on on side.

Two roost poles in front of the real window. Plenty of room to add another one the same height as the tall one if needed.

Pop door built out of thick melamine.

Space for a backup waterer and feeder in the corner along with some oyster shell.

Floor plan.

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