post your chicken coop pictures here!

Party time!!!




The old cabbage 1/4s on a string toy.... I'm trying to liven up my run for my birds... Any other ideas?

Oh and what happened to her!!!????

Something tells me it was him...

Saw a Hampton chicken coop designed by an architect featured on New York Times. Nice looking coop, but it could be a rotisserie chicken heaven.

Pros: he coop has radiant floor heating, a metal roof and easy-access doors, beautiful arch construction.

Cons: The coop has no ventilation, no natural light, got a hot metal roof, radiant floor to "warm" the chicken poop, cedar panels(?), round metal roosting bars.

What do you think of this fancy coop?
Saw a Hampton chicken coop designed by an architect featured on New York Times. Nice looking coop, but it could be a rotisserie chicken heaven.

Pros: he coop has radiant floor heating, a metal roof and easy-access doors, beautiful arch construction.

Cons: The coop has no ventilation, no natural light, got a hot metal roof, radiant floor to "warm" the chicken poop, cedar panels(?), round metal roosting bars.

What do you think of this fancy coop?
Too fancy for my taste but it is pretty.
i am going to get 4 delaware blues from a man in next town, i think we need to stop there as we already have 47 46 hens nd one roo, we are fixing a new coop then going to get them

Are you selling eggs? Seems like an awful lot of chickens for a retired couple to keep. I'm worried about just 3 chickens & 2 more coming in the spring so we can have sort of a steady supply of eggs for the 2 of us.
Adding a run (hopefully next week or two). I just bought 6 Rhode island reds. Last week I had received my first order of white leghorns but due to USPS delivery and shipping SNAFU they all died. Couldnt find any local leghorns so decided to change to next best layers and got the reds.

Sorry about losing your Leghorns. They're pretty terrific layers but the RIRs are very good too and probably less cannibalistic than the Leghorns would've been. Legs are best kept w/their own. They are independent free-rangers but at about 2-3 yrs start getting bossy with gentler breeds. RIRs can be mean but w/ their own breed they're on equal pecking order politics.
We have 11 bantams now. 4 Silkies, 3 Bantam Easter Eggers, 1 Bantam Dominique, and 3 Bantum Buff Orpingtons. We do plan on letting the Silkies raise a few chicks this year if they decide to go broody again. I would feel comfortable with about 20 chickens in this space. (I want them to have plenty of room.)

Very wise to keep bantams separated from LF. Don't be surprised if all your bantam breeds go broody -- it's a bantam thing! Keep a separate area for a broody hen and/or her chicks after hatch.
Very wise to keep bantams separated from LF. Don't be surprised if all your bantam breeds go broody -- it's a bantam thing! Keep a separate area for a broody hen and/or her chicks after hatch.

No plans on ever getting any large fowl. We (my husband and I along with my parents) have really come to prefer the smaller bantam eggs.

One of my EEs was the first to lay - and she went broody 2 weeks later. Since then, it's just been the silkies taking turns all winter. I have an extra room in the house that is the chicken room. I kept the chicks in it for the first 6 weeks or so and I've used it since then for breaking broodies or if I need to bring one in overnight to observe it.

I have had one hint at broodiness this week (a silkie). It almost feel weird this time that I made the broody a nest and offered her golf balls instead of working on trying to break her from it. If she is still sitting on those golf balls when I get home, we'll give her a few eggs and see what happens. We are on coop number 2 now. Coop number is being kept to house broodies if the weather is nice or momma and chicks until they are ready to be back with everyone else. We've just got some weird weather coming up and with this being the first time, I'll keep this broody inside the whole time to monitor her closely. She's my favorite and has spent the most time inside and being handled, so it shouldn't stress her out being inside.
Are you selling eggs? Seems like an awful lot of chickens for a retired couple to keep. I'm worried about just 3 chickens & 2 more coming in the spring so we can have sort of a steady supply of eggs for the 2 of us.
i have a daughter who is a nurse in a rehab and she takes them to work, her co-workers buy them, my dh has a sign on the side of his truck then once amonth we go to a animal auction, they sell eggs there so we take them there and my dh takes them to the end of our road which that road you take to ocean city md, he sells them out there. people at the gas station buy them. today we had the most in frig but daughter was going to her new in-laws for a birthday party so she took most of them with her for work and family. we get only 18 to 29 eggs a day, we are waiting for the day we get 43 in one day.

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