post your chicken coop pictures here!

There are chickens in there.

This was taken before I cleaned the runs roof!
This with no snow! The runs fence is 5" tall!

I've got two heat lamps for night time and heated water inside the coop to help...
I hope we get some warmer weather to start some melting.
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There are chickens in there.:barnie This was taken before I cleaned the runs roof! This with no snow! The runs fence is 5" tall! I've got two heat lamps for night time and heated water inside the coop to help... I hope we get some warmer weather to start some melting.
:hugs huddle up birdies... Your momma and daddy can't get to you right now!!!

There are chickens in there.

This was taken before I cleaned the runs roof!
This with no snow! The runs fence is 5" tall!

I've got two heat lamps for night time and heated water inside the coop to help...
I hope we get some warmer weather to start some melting.

Sometimes I miss the snow, sometimes not so much.
I am disappointed, Sylvester, in your lack of comment on the egg collection "design" but perhaps you didn't notice the first picture is the egg collection door open.
Not only is there no overhang, the door is hinged on the BOTTOM so when you open it to collect:
1) the door is in the way as it is held up by chains
2) any precipitation will go DIRECTLY onto the open door and run into the coop.

Drop down the egg collection door right into your shins. Ouch.

Put a hand out to steady yourself as you lean over to collect the eggs and slice the hand muchly on the cut and bent metal cladding.

I'd think if the chickens were used to being warm, then the heat went out, they wouldn't do as well as chickens that are less pampered and more acclimated. But then I don't know much about c-c-c-cold! weather.

I love the way the interior space looks with the slightly curved and slightly churchy ceilings ... I'd be tempted to leave the "view" end open-air, which would erase a lot of my concerns with the coop and let me enjoy the beauty of it more. The designer obviously doesn't know diddly about the coolness of Chicken TV.

I've found my coops do better with the litter right on dirt ...
I was reading through the posting about the fancy coop backwards and became very worried as hubby just finished covering our coop/run with shiny corrigated tin! Then I read your post Talkalittle and reallyrelived!! We have built it under a very large pecan tree so it's shaded vutually all summer and the gets more light in the winter but never direct light. I'd hate to think I might have set my bantams up for roasting!! Love those engineers!

My new ordered coop & run will have metal roofing and I will have a popup canopy over it for shade in summer and to keep the rain off in winter. I want a popup canopy because the coop will have an outside-the-coop egg collection box that I don't want getting soaked in the rain when the lid is lifted. Hope my girls will adjust to the new coop after living in the old one for 3-1/2 yrs
My new ordered coop & run will have metal roofing and I will have a popup canopy over it for shade in summer and to keep the rain off in winter.  I want a popup canopy because the coop will have an outside-the-coop egg collection box that I don't want getting soaked in the rain when the lid is lifted.  Hope my girls will adjust to the new coop after living in the old one for 3-1/2 yrs:fl

Hi Sylvester017,
We decided to keep the whole coop in the run, egg boxes and all. I was afraid of how to secure it from predators. And of course we are in our worst dought yet so not too worried about rain, though I suppose I should be!! I sure hope they adjust! If they're anything like other females they'll LOVE it! Nothing like a new home. :D
Well, it's down to 5 days, expecting shipment to go out Monday and arrive Wed. Keeping my fingers crossed, its blizzard in Missouri right now with an arctic chill to drop in over the weekend. Hope they get out safely! It's sunny and warm where they're heading. :thumbsup
Hi Sylvester017,
We decided to keep the whole coop in the run, egg boxes and all. I was afraid of how to secure it from predators.
And of course we are in our worst dought yet so not too worried about rain, though I suppose I should be!!
I sure hope they adjust! If they're anything like other females they'll LOVE it! Nothing like a new home.
Well, it's down to 5 days, expecting shipment to go out Monday and arrive Wed. Keeping my fingers crossed, its blizzard in Missouri right now with an arctic chill to drop in over the weekend. Hope they get out safely! It's sunny and warm where they're heading.
I'm surprised anyone is shipping birds anywhere right now. Most hatcheries won't start shipping until March. I hope it all goes well.

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