post your chicken coop pictures here!

Finally done with our coop
We will build the run pretty soon but aren't expecting our chickies until May.

OH how cute is that....
does the dog know what hes getting in to?

Not all Roos are like this. I had three Wellsummer Roos about two years ago. VERy mellow fellows. They really didnt even fight each other.

In the past I have had as many as six of varying ages. they do get "cocky" when they reach sexual maturity but the older boys slap em in line.

I have eighteen acres and a heavy predator load... The roos protect the flock by sacrificing them selves if need be.

BUT I wouldnt suffer a roo that did that to ANYone.


I won't post too much because it's such a work in progress, but the beginning of our real coop with concrete posts and a raised floor, as well as the current run with the chicken mesh. It has an airlock-type system with a gate that points either way and is held by drive magnets from a computer.

(Ignore the sheds covered with greenery, those are our neighbour's and they're letting everything fall to pieces...)

Repurposed our coop that was my kids old play set, it wasn't easy! It was like putting a puzzle piece together but I made it work :)

I won't post too much because it's such a work in progress, but the beginning of our real coop with concrete posts and a raised floor, as well as the current run with the chicken mesh. It has an airlock-type system with a gate that points either way and is held by drive magnets from a computer.

(Ignore the sheds covered with greenery, those are our neighbour's and they're letting everything fall to pieces...)
For livestock those are called Kissing Gates here. Just enough room to go through then the door is opened to go in and it seals off the original opening.

even my baby girl couldn't open it and get out.... (my latch flipping horse) No latches required for large livestock.

But with small livstock like goats or poultry you definately have to have latches.
Not all Roos are like this.   I had three Wellsummer Roos about two years ago.  VERy mellow fellows.  They really didnt even fight each other.

In the past I have had as many as six of varying ages.  they do get "cocky" when they reach sexual maturity but the older boys slap em in line.

I have eighteen acres and a heavy predator load...  The roos protect the flock by sacrificing them selves if need be.

BUT I wouldnt suffer a roo that did that to ANYone.


I have 3 good roos in my coop and soon to be 4 when my Rhodebar boy gets just a little bigger. I have a BCM, lavender ameraucana, and OEGB. The game Bantam can be nasty but it's only on occasion. He's too little too cause any damage and we can't kill him since he's my son's bird :/ The other two are great roos. Not aggressive to people at all. My little Rosco, my Rhodebar roo is about 8 weeks old now and still loves to cuddle with me lol. We honestly haven't really had a really aggressive roo yet.....
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If he hits you again?!?!?! :eek: Are you serious? :rant   What is wrong with that "man" of yours? :mad:   As soon as I saw you being attacked, that roo would have been headless within 5 minutes! He would have already been making soup!  No stick, no coddling, no picking up and hanging upside down (except to let the last bit of blood drain out), no tennis racket, NO EXCUSES! Haven't you had enough of :he <---this yet?

Glad I'm not alone in the :he I am sick of it... We wanted a roo to protect the girls from predators and maybe make a few babies but every time I mention hatching some my husband says I should be happy... A week later he will be talking about raising 40-50 meat birds..... Then he will decide No... He wants to add a turkey or two... Then he says that he's changed his mind. Finally he said he was going to build a new coop and run for better protection...

I almost think he's bipolar lol... I know what I want...
The evil rooster in a pot, a few more hens of different variety to add a splash of color to my flock, and a safe place for my girls to run, sleep and lay eggs that my kids can help me collect every day that does NOT include me climbing a 3' step ladder, crawling into the coop that's only 4.5' x4' x 3.5' tall..... Just to get the eggs...

Stupid tree that fell last year is the cause of that woe... Crushed our almost completed coop setting us back on supplies and leaving us a cramped coop design...

Once we get the new one build I'm going to take this one off the stand, remove the nest boxes, place on a concert slab and let the dog use it as her house ... Lol

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