post your chicken coop pictures here!

I want so badly to get another coop built and have several people that are going to help me. I had in mind to make use of the kid's playground set that they have outgrown but hubby is concerned with them being in the middle of the back yard...directly in the sun. So I was just out at the coop which is under the front wing of our shed... my chickens have the best of everything...LOL... two roofs over them, two doors to shut them up at night, ability to have shade in morning or afternoon...(coop oriented east to west)....also has 2 walls on the front side (one of the coop{wire/lumber...of the shed). I was just looking at that coop and trying to figure out if we could attach another coop to the present one so the ladies (and maybe a roo) could also use the shade opportunity. That would satisfy hubby I think. I say all of this because I checked out your coop that you all building...that's exactly what I can picture building right next to the back of our shed and its right there at the other coop. Thank you so much for sharing your coop. Please keep the picts coming. I'm going to show them to my to get him into the chicken thing.Think you can see this pict and get an idea of how mine is set in the side of the shed..
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:ya I want so badly to get another coop built and have several people that are going to help me. I had in mind to make use of the kid's playground set that they have outgrown but hubby is concerned with them being in the middle of the back yard...directly in the sun. So I was just out at the coop which is under the front wing of our shed... my chickens have the best of everything...LOL... two roofs over them, two doors to shut them up at night, ability to have shade in morning or afternoon...(coop oriented east to west)....also has 2 walls on the front side (one of the coop{wire/lumber...of the shed). I was just looking at that coop and trying to figure out if we could attach another coop to the present one so the ladies (and maybe a roo) could also use the shade opportunity. That would satisfy hubby I think. I say all of this because I checked out your coop that you all building...that's exactly what I can picture building right next to the back of our shed and its right there at the other coop. Thank you so much for sharing your coop. Please keep the picts coming. I'm going to show them to my to get him into the chicken thing.Think you can see this pict and get an idea of how mine is set in the side of the shed..
Okay this actually started out as a 4'x4' then decided to go with a 4'x8' darn chicken Math got me LOL.
be very careful of chicken math.......

I started with just 2 coops.

1 year later

inside covered run open run
Coop A 8*8 8*12 8*12
Coop B 8*8 8*12 8*12
Coop 1 6*6 6*8 6*6
Coop 2 6*6 6*8 6*6
Coop 3 6*6 6*8 6*6
Coop 4 6*6 6*8 6*6
Coop 5 6*6 6*8 6*6
Coop 6 4*4 4*6 4*4
Coop 7 4*4 4*6 4*4
Coop 8 4*4 4*6 4*4
Coop 9 4*4 4*6 4*4
Coop 10 4*4 4*6 4*4
Coop 11 4*4 4*6 4*4

add to that 15 quail pens, chukar and guineas. my turkeys and muscovies are on there own and find their own place for the night

these birds are a dangerois thing.
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my coop did that. 4' x 4' then 4' x 8' then 8' x 8'. Now I'm adding a second one.
we hard 5 chickens and built a 4'x4' then we got 15 peeps had one of the hens set on 13 eggs we had to do something fast, man on next street over had camper in yard, we got that and cleaned it out, they have the life in the front we put a wall up for when we have peeps the chickens can see them and it makes for better letting them in big part, when no peeps we take wall down, works great, we now have 29 hens and 2 roosters.

top is back middle is front when no peeps bottom is front
when there are peeps it is the peep cage
House on a hill.

what are the 3 toots for and is that a pile of hay near the door, do the hens get up to the top to lay eggs in milk crates? i used them for awhile, then went to an action and found our metal three tir nest which has 15 nests in it, my hens are still getting use to that, there are 5 on each layer.

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