post your chicken coop pictures here!

Greetings fellow Backyard Chicken Peeps...this is my first post here. Love the BYC site and forum. Here's a picture and diagram of my chicken coop...which actually serves double-duty for a bunny hutch. I look forward to reading & seeing more on this forum. Take care, D.

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I still have work to do on it, but this is what I have so far. 8x8 coop with a 8x16 enclosed run.
looking good
At least
I have thompson seedless grapes growing along the lattice at the top of the fence. They cover the fence with grape vines every summer. I'm gonna let the grape vines grow over the coop, & cover it with grapes.
at least the grapes will grow until the chickens get to them! My girls see a speck of green and they turn it brown in a second!

This is our first time raising chickens. I found a free plan on pinterest and my husband modified it to use wood we already had. I think it turned out pretty nice. I'm proud of him.
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