post your chicken coop pictures here!

We live south of Atlanta. We have 12 girls and are loving them!!!!
From Cut-N-Shoot, TX!!
we have 2 roost one in back and one right under the window, one in back is smaller the one in front has no place to lay a towel it is full of the chickens they love that one, we could take the one in the back down only 4 chickens on it. we have 28 in the coop.

Awww! Leave the roost for the 4 chickens on it. They obviously like or need it. Maybe the other chickens aren't letting them on the window roost so they have a haven in the rear perch.
For those of you wishing to hire someone to build your chicken coop...Run a want add in your local paper like I did. I got tons of responses and quotes. I ended up hiring a friend of a friend to build my coop. They gave me the lowest build price and did a good job.

2nd coop home to our 2 new easter eggers. My husband modified a playhouse...we thought this would be easier than building from scratch. Turned out it really wasn't lol. I think his coop building days may be over after this one! ;)
2nd coop home to our 2 new easter eggers. My husband modified a playhouse...we thought this would be easier than building from scratch. Turned out it really wasn't lol. I think his coop building days may be over after this one!
It really turned out nice! But I hear you about modifications. When we looked at pre-fab store sheds we'd have to make so many modifications to make it workable for chickens that we just want to get a coop already built and delivered to the backyard. At 70 we have no health to build ourselves.

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