post your chicken coop pictures here!

I had no luck with that either, I live on an Island so really limited it seems like, I ended up biting the bullet and got lumber n stuff :)
Good luck!
can't wait for a build pics!
You've got the right idea. Glad to have you. Bruce will never steer you wrong.

@bruceha2000 Buddy, you are always a joy to have around. So funny.

What, no :blushing emoticon! Thanks Linda. I'll tell DD2, she says I have no sense of humor.

Coops almost finished still needs a good roof and to put tin on the sides.

I guess that is how you do it when the chickens are ready before the coop! Not a bad idea actually. Build a big run and enclose some of it.
I think it was in this thread that I sidetracked with regard to Felix's snow rails and said I'd post a picture when I had mine up.

So here is my people coop

That yellow thing is a chicken ladder. I have NO idea why it is called a chicken ladder, the chickens certainly didn't pay any attention to it at all! Other than having to swing it over the peak of the roof several times, it was easy to use and felt quite secure on the roof. The elevated rebar rungs made for easy movement. I actually came up over the top with it since there is a 1 story porch on the other side of the house so I didn't have to make a "ground ladder" to "roof ladder" transition - always a precarious act. It is in this position only because I didn't want to have to move the other ladder (seen at left) several times to get to where I had to join two pipes in the lower set. The chicken ladder is NOT nearly so secure feeling when used in this position!

I had put in the lower brackets first using the other ladder on the deck and only installed one run of pipe since I expected to have to take them out to use the chicken ladder to put in the upper set. Thus I needed to put in the second lower pipe set after I finished the upper set. The reason I didn't start with the upper set was I figured it would be easier to measure the 4.5' to the lower brackets than all the way to the edge of the roof which turned out to be a GOOD THING for another reason: Amazingly I figured out BEFORE I started the upper set that it would be impossible to get to the joints using the chicken ladder because the pipes would be in the way. Conveniently, the lowest rung of the chicken ladder securely braced against the pipe in the lower set with the hook on the ladder about a foot past the peak. IF the lower pipe didn't hold the weight (and given these things should be able to hold several thousand pounds, it better!) the ladder could only slide a short distance and I wouldn't die in a heap 13' down. In the end I spent more time working on the upper set just bracing my feet against the lower pipe than working from the chicken ladder. Again, very secure.

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