post your chicken coop pictures here!

I dust the coop weekly with food grade diatomaceous earth, keeps the mites down, and helps to dry the poop

I bought pure white (not yellow or gray) food grade DE but was on the fence about the pros and cons of using it. After holding off on using the bag, and after researching for over 3 months, and after reading all the warnings on the label about using masks, gloves, and protective eyewear to handle it, I figured DE wasn't safe for the chickens since I couldn't put masks, gloves, or eyewear on them too. Chickens have a sensitive respiratory system and every owner has to make their own decisions but the following article was the deciding factor for me not to use DE, powdered lice treataments, or even powdery baking soda around the chickens or their nesting boxes:
For lice/mite preventative health maintenance we use organic Manna Pro Poultry Protector spray that can be used as often as you need on both chickens and their housing. Directions are on the label and safe to use often. We use it once a month on chickens and coop crevices/cracks. No dusty powders to irritate eyes or nostrils when the chickens kick up their bedding. Very safe.
Like I said, the picture isn't that great. The coop is totally enclosed with poultry wire, and there are enclosed nesting boxes on the far side. In the top photo you can see that the door is propped open. Our entire yard is fenced, and we have not had any predator problems since installing the fence. That, plus our dog would not allow racoons into the yard on his watch :) I will try to get better pictures of the coop when I actually get home before dark!
VERY nice build! You should be proud. I see that you are in the only ventilation those long/thin air strips up at the top of the coop? With the humidity and heat you get I would suggest one or two windows for good air circulation...just thinkin'

Thanks. no there is a, ground to roof, 30 inch wide open doorway to the run. It never gets cold enough here to worry about closing them up tight
Thanks. no there is a, ground to roof, 30 inch wide open doorway to the run. It never gets cold enough here to worry about closing them up tight
Oh, I wasn't concerned with the's the heat of spring/summer, I'd think it would get pretty 'toasty' in there even with that open doorway...wishing you all the best!
Yeah, i knew you were concerned with heat and ventilation. Tried to find a balance. You're not gonna escape heat and humidity here no matter what you do. The best thing to shoot for is shade. The roof is galvanized with reflective insulation under that. Minimum sunlight on the south side allowed in. Deep mortar sand floors in coop and run. No shavings, Clean out the droppings twice a week. Stays very dry

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