post your chicken coop pictures here!

Thanks for your suggestions.

If you click on my picture you will see that I have 1/2" hardware cloth on the bottom half and it is buried 8" deep all the way around and stapled with the kind you hammer in, every where.

In this picture you can see that I put up plastic on the bottom half and a small cover on one area that I can take off next spring, however, last night we had our first snowfall, only a couple of inches but i saw that a little snow came in on the south/long side so I'm off to ACE to get another 9' of plastic, (and it's the stuff that has nylon thread running through it) for the top half and I'll leave a good 6-8" open on the top.
When I put the first plastic on they hated it,and pecked at it. Kinda funny to me, but not to them.

Excellent coop Eagleeyeice. Love the fact that you have your wood pile to use as "interference" for wind or weather. I like the fact you have your plastic well stretched.... it will make it last much longer.

I need to move and rebuild my coop and have been toying with making a low permanent wall around the base. About the height your plastic is. How tall is that plastic? I dont get snow but I do get feral dogs that come and bounce off the fence trying to get the livestock to run.


The plastic is about 2 1/2' tall, but like I said, My chickens HATE IT! They want to be able to see outside when they are in the run.
And now I'm going to add another 2' of plastic to that south side.

i am in the desert so snow isnt an issue but dang I do get wind .... Dad used to say it was sooo windy he saw a chicken lay the same egg twice....
So between dogs and wind My new coop is going to have two solid walls all the way up.... up till now I have only been using tarps.

The wire I use for my exterior walls is aviary wire.... So by using a solid wall base I will save the wire use. And If I go with two feet then I will only need to have the plywood split in half.

Hey what model JD tractor is in your Avatar.

rain finally stopped here and a freeze hit us been working out in the cold to get the free range area set up got th gate and fencing up finally. decidd on using a tarp for the henhouse pen for now will do a solid roof in spring when it's warmer, and the tarp will hang over to protect a bit more from the winter winds

my dog loki seems to love sitting in this spot and relaxing watching over the chickens
rain finally stopped here and a freeze hit us been working out in the cold to get the free range area set up got th gate and fencing up finally. decidd on using a tarp for the henhouse pen for now will do a solid roof in spring when it's warmer, and the tarp will hang over to protect a bit more from the winter winds

my dog loki seems to love sitting in this spot and relaxing watching over the chickens
Is Loki a mischief maker? Does he live up to his name?
We are going to put a real roof on in spring too. Tarps for us too for partial cover.
Is Loki a mischief maker? Does he live up to his name?
We are going to put a real roof on in spring too. Tarps for us too for partial cover.
lol he can at times........ sounds like a good call to me........I had my fill the other day when I accidentally smashed my thumb hanging the free range gate up...... lol darn does not make it feel any better when your hands are ice cold and you do that

The plastic is about 2 1/2' tall, but like I said, My chickens HATE IT! They want to be able to see outside when they are in the run.
And now I'm going to add another 2' of plastic to that south side.

They make a nearly glass clear plastic sheeting that is 8 mil so stronger than the opaque 6 mil. I got some at Ace hardware. It really is clear, until it gets dirty from all the dust in the coop getting trapped between it and the 1/2" hardware cloth. My guess is it would last longer outside than 6 mil and not get nearly as dirty surrounding an outside run as it does covering the sides of a coop in a really dusty old barn.

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