post your chicken coop pictures here!

I should not have open my mouth looks like a rat has been killing my Bantams have found a dead one today has been eaten in the coop. I will have to step up my baiting. rat poison in the UK is slow acting wish I could get the smoke bombs like in the rest of Europe just light it put it down the hole job done kills all in there.

I have a cat she is 21 yrs old so dose not go out might try using some of here litter in the coop do you think this will be ok

Oh no!!! So sorry to hear that!

I haven't had experience with rats but from everything I've read, they are absolutely brutal to get rid of. I don't know if the smell of the cat would be enough to deter the rats or not...they're quite intelligent. There are loads of threads on here about traps/electronic zappers/ may want to do a search and get info from people with first hand experience.

I know marigolds/calendula are used to deter mice from veg gardens but I have know idea if they would work on rats or not. May be worth planting them around your coops when spring comes back around.
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This might give you some ideas:

I wish you all the best!!
Thanks deb. Our climate is great. Im busy working on a bit more shade for the free range area

You will get it.... I dont know what kinds of natural building materials you have but I see bamboo so you could use that even palm fronds make good shade too. I am in the desert here so I use alot of tarps... But I also have mesquite trees which are very good shade as well as umbrella trees. I dont know what their specifc type is but they have white berries that the goats love when the fall. They have thorns too.

I also like shade cloth. They make the kind that is fifty percent shade.

OH and Welcome to BYC
from the San Diego High desert
My wife took our dog out the garden she heard a noise in the coop when I opened the nest box one of our polish frizzels had been bitten all over mostly at her back end she was 2 far gone to save so I have caged the rest of the flock and brought them into my garage overnight will look at the coop tomorrow to see where they are getting in could not see any holes I hate rats. The hen was so friendly she would always come up the garden when called my wife is so upset. this is now an all out war I think I know where they are living war starts tomorrow after I find where they are getting in and try to stop it.

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