post your chicken coop pictures here!


I put the detail and the story behind this on the coop section of the website. Addition to a prefab kit.
You've done a good job.... Love the girl'sguy's names! Only problem I see is the chicken wire.,,.I know they probably came with instructions to use that but it is so dangerous. Its the cheap way in the beginning but if you have dogs/racoons/etc...,,your days are numbered until you might go out and find your treasured pets dead or gone! I'm posting a pict of wire that a predator was able to breech and got 6-8 pullets! Hardware wire is expensive but so necessary in the long will save you $$ later.
They even had the hog/cattle wire behind it but ....once the chicken wire was torn, many predators can slip thru the other wire.. Please take care of them
Here is my coop! We live in guatemala so with all the moisture it's best with block walls. It's not the nicest coop but it works!

And my coop brooder to introduce baby chicks......

Wow, love your idea for a brooder. Was thinking of trying to convert an old pack & play (soft sided travel crib) that I have in the basement, but this would work sooo much better. Now I need to start looking for a crib on craigslist/freecycle....

You will love BYC, lotsa friendly folks and loads of great information!
I second the crib/brooder idea as I did the pack and play. Yuck. It has no real support underneath and really no way to fix that, so the feeder and waterer were always tipping over whenever someone would get in a frenzy as older chicks do. Such a mess. I then switched to a lined watermelon box but definitely will be looking for a crib to upcycle.
No wonder you have room for that brooder, mine was in the living room. Not doing that again.
Amen to that one, sister!! I had my brooder bin in my living room, too. Trouble is....I LIVE IN AN RV!!! A big RV, but still an RV. Oh, it was fine at first with the Rubbermaid tub thing, but soon they had graduated to a big box. Had to put it on the floor in front of the TV credenza and 'walk around' it constantly to get from here to there if you get my drift!

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