post your chicken coop pictures here!

haven't gotten around to making a coop page quite yet.

That is so cool and so cute....great job!
Got any inside picts?
Best as we understand it, the bird that died must've sat on the light, or really close to it, and caught on fire, then in panicking tore the light down so it landed on the hay, we're lucky my sister saw it, probably very soon after it happened, we almost lost a lot more but I climbed in to take them out, three had passed out by the time I got to them. In a few short words, it wasn't a fun night! One hen still has a bit of breathing problems when she exerts herself, but for the most part they're doing alright, pictures of the new digs soon to come :)




Working on my coop in between rainstorms the past few days. All framed up and sided. Now just to make windows and a chicken door. And the finished roof still to come

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