post your chicken coop pictures here!

I started with 2 buffs. I had a broody hen who hatched 2 fertile eggs last year and 3 this year. I added the run on the left earlier this year. I just built and installed an automatic door which I painted white. Now they are let out in the morning and safe at night.
Great job. Really envy you the automatic door. sigh. It's coming. One step at a time.
No body implied you were stupid, just stating a fact that hoop buildings are generally not as secure as a traditional wood built coop and don't offer the 2nd line of defense, this is important to many people others are not as concerned with it...
Living in the deep south (La) we can't use the cute wooden coops. They are so spiffy but hoop coops will work great for us. Just buying 3' tall 1/2" hardware cloth for the bottom edge of the coop will help immensely I used regular 2: x 4" wired fencing for the bottom of mine. Spread it out about 18" flat on the ground around the edges as a skirt. . Our soil is concrete so no digging. I'm putting soil on top of that as a rain barrier.

Woohoo!!!!! Finally getting a smart phone so will finally be able to start posting pictures of my coops and chickens.
Had a pretty crazy few months recently, this coop, after serving well for almost three years, burnt down! At night WITH my babies inside! Only lost one to the fire, and I consider myself fortunate for that, my babies and myself had burned throat tissue and lungs, smoke inhalation... but we have a new coop, half the size but much more secure, now their run has much more room, they only sleep in the coop so the small size doesn't bother them, still been pretty crazy though.
Oh, chickenlover, so sorry to hear that.
Hope you have the best year EVER!!!




Little pallet coop I'm working on for my gf. floor and all siding are made from pallets. Pretty hard work but worth it for free siding and firewood. Gonna put a little red roof on it and put some flour boxes on it.




Little pallet coop I'm working on for my gf. floor and all siding are made from pallets. Pretty hard work but worth it for free siding and firewood. Gonna put a little red roof on it and put some flour boxes on it.

I'd like to see the finished coop once you have the roof on. If you don't post it here please pm me a picture of the finished project.




Here is my coop and run.
Coop was build out of recycled pallets.
Run is cattle panels.
Cheap and easy to build!

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