post your chicken coop pictures here!

If they do not know any better, perhaps. It is not fair to compare to factory farms. They deserve to be happy, not to deal with it because someone else has it worse. I have gotten chickens from people who follow the ten square feet rule, and their chickens were definitely excited to be out, and waited at the door more anxiously to be let out than the chickens I have always let range. Once they get a taste of freedom they typically are not happy to be in. If it is literally all you have I guess it will work, but mayhaps you do not really need a bit of your yard and could give it to the chickens? Or let them range as often as possible. I just wanted to give advice in case it was not realized, that they prefer more. Just trying to help.
Totally understand that you want to help. High Street Coop is a newbie and only joined 8/14. Oh wait, so did you. We all want the best for our babies. Maybe it's more space, maybe it's a special kind of food or extra treats. I prefer making the extra effort of making fermented feed. They love it and I don't mind the extra time. Does it make them happier having it than regular feed? Maybe. I'd like to think so. The idea of a grand coop, and special do-dads to entertain is part of wanting out chickens to be happy. Feed them, give them plenty of fresh water, a little attention and as much space as you can spare and they will be happy forever. Chicken keeping is not hard.. It's easy and fun. And if you have a problem, there are a LOT of folks on here who will be happy to help. Good luck to you both.
I am newer to the sight, but I am not new to birds...
Giving them something to do in the run, and making sure they have plenty of clean water and good food helps. I am sure they probably do like fermented better than regular. Fermenting is something I intend on trying soon. Thank you for the encouragement.

Totally understand that you want to help. High Street Coop is a newbie and only joined 8/14. Oh wait, so did you. We all want the best for our babies. Maybe it's more space, maybe it's a special kind of food or extra treats. I prefer making the extra effort of making fermented feed. They love it and I don't mind the extra time. Does it make them happier having it than regular feed? Maybe. I'd like to think so. The idea of a grand coop, and special do-dads to entertain is part of wanting out chickens to be happy. Feed them, give them plenty of fresh water, a little attention and as much space as you can spare and they will be happy forever. Chicken keeping is not hard.. It's easy and fun. And if you have a problem, there are a LOT of folks on here who will be happy to help. Good luck to you both.
I have high quality felt and 30-year shingles on the roof with a GAF ridge vent. Same felt and shingles over the nests boxes, sealed with a rubber gasket and flashing against the coop, which will be painted with Sherwin Williams Super Paint and Duration on the trim. There's better roofing on the coop than on my house, (albeit the same quality paint). I don't think I'll be putting a cheap, Harbor Freight Tools tarp over it anytime soon.

LOL... or maybe just an umbrella for you.... for when you open the egg collection lid... I think thats all that was implied...


ten square feet Per bird is awesome.... you have five hens so that's fifty square feet. Measure the length of your coop and multiply that by the width...

if your coop is ten feet long it would have to be five feet wide...

I know pictures can be deceiving...

its an easy thing to do to expand if you feel you need to.

keep an eye open for aggression.... to each other

its an easy thing to do to expand if you feel you need to.

Precisely. This spring I'm hoping to add a chunnel to the side yard for them which will give them a vastly larger "run" and would make use of a part of the property that the dog and I never use at all. And honestly, I can always go down a chicken or two if I need to. It's not like rehoming a BBS Orp hen is hard, LOL! I've got multiple friends with farms who would take one tomorrow.
Awesome.... I have eighteen acres most of it unnused.... yet I keep the chickens under lock and key because of predators... LOst em all about a year and a half ago.... Cascade failure...

I am in the high desert about two miles from Mexico. Hey there is a meetup group in Southern California NICE bunch of people and a chance to get out for a pot luck and Swap stories, Chickens, chicks, hatching eggs.... You name it.

You might check to see if there is a group of meetup people for your area....

In California we have a few differences in the way to keep chickens... Like for instance my coop only has one wall and its a Windbreak... Then the roof for me is Tarp But only over the perches... All the rest is chainlink with hardware cloth around areas where chickens would be reachable by Raccoon. My next coop will actually be a poulrty house with a real roof.... and mostly ten guage cage wire around the outside.... All materials I already have.


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